Monday, January 9, 2012

Best Week of the Mission

Hey everyone!!!!!

I hope all is wonderful with all of ya guys. Things are going really well here in Sajonia, Paraguay. This week literally has been amazing. The best week of my mission. We were able to see a ton of miracles happen in our area and most importantly I have had such HUGE growth in the last week. It really has been incredible. I did a lot of personal reflecting and personal as you can say ¨soul seaching¨. I honestly have done more productive studying, praying and pondering this last week than ever in my life before. One of the biggest ones was how can i better recognize the spirit and act upon it. The other expirence was being 100% dedicated to the Lords work in every way and form.

In the last district meeting that we had we talked about reaching our potential using a talk from Pres. Monson called ¨Finishers Wanted¨ (high suggested read). I talked about how we as a district we need to be 100% in the work. Putting in everything that we got. Separating ourselves from the world and just doing it with a smile!!!! As a district leader i realized a bunch on how if i want my district to do it, I gotta do it, and do it with all of my heart might, mind and stregnth. The spirit during that meeting was amazing just incredible. Its gonna take a lot of work, but i know that its worth it and that it is happening!!!

Second and best story. So last week i was trying to figure out a way that i can not only have the spirit with me more but more act upon it and know that it is working through me. I prayed about it and studied it. This last friday, my companion an I were having comp study and were talking about what can we do as a companionship to better ourselves. We both talked about better feeling the spirit and acting upon it. I started talking about a lesson that we had. We were teaching Juan (relative of members) and we were verifying what he felt about the Book of Mormon and if it is Gods true church. I flipped through the scriptures for a sec and found one that was like boom!!!! to this moment i do not remember the scripture. It talked about the Lord calling his sheep to his fold. when i told that to my companion the spirit testified to me that it was him working through me during that lesson so that i could help this one precious sheep enter the fold. Juan went to church with his cousins this last week and is talking to his mom about baptism. It is so amazing how our Father in Heaven answers our prayers. I feel that the spirit is with me so much more now and its amazing. I feel really uncomfortable when its not and its a great thing to have that difference because as a representative of Jesus Christ we need to have that spirit with us at all times, in all things, and in all places.

Sorry but recently i have been lacking on my photo taking but i will be taking more. Changes are this week so ya never know what is gonna happen. I love you all so much and you are all in my prayers.

Love ya!!!

Elder Wilson

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