Monday, August 29, 2011


so as the title of this email indicates in 4 days i will have 6 months on the mission. HOW?????? 
its crazy but literally time has flown by. its really sad. i honestly don't like it i wish i was just at 3 months or something like that. 

This last week we have gotten back into hot which has been kinda nice to be sweating again. i know, weird to say that but its true. the best thing of the week was our zone conference with Pres. Arnold. Man it was amazing the spirit was there the whole time and i learned so much. i got stuff i gotta work on but that is the purpose of life to learn and progress. his main focus was on planning well and not wasting time (yay mom I'm learning!!!!) and how to always have the spirit. the man truly is called of God.

so yesterday we found a diamond in the rough. his name is claudio. we have shared with him before, we were mainly teaching his friend gustavo. we have shared with basically everyone that is around him but  God with his perfect timing, had us pass by him til now. as of now he has a baptismal date for the 24th of sept and he said to us, I want to find the church i want to go to your church. it is so awesome.

Also Roberto came to church!!!!! YES!!!!! he loved it and the spirit was so strong. it was amazing. we have a teaching appointment tonight with him and he has a baptismal date for the 17th. 


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRIGGY!!!!!!! brig has his birthday this last sunday. he is truly a great role model and i look up to him so much. i hope this last sunday was a rockin awesome sunday.

so this work is so true. i love doing it. honestly if i was doing anything else it would stink because the blessings and the feelings with sharing the gospel are like nothing else i have ever experienced. everyday my testimony grows and its amazing how the Lord uses small and simple things to help us. A lady named Marta who is the boss of the fishery down by the river has been sharing with us the last two weeks. we invited her to be baptized and she accepted. the best thing though is that even though she cant read she had her husband read the restoration to her and she said that she knew it was true just by praying. HOW AWESOME!!!!

my love, best wishes and prayers go to you all,

Elder Parker Wilson

1. Just an awesome pic
2. Asado (steak) with Abuela
3. Paraguayans love BEEF. Almost every meal has beef or chicken. i am becoming more chicken now
4. Wait who drew that? Oh ya Elder Wilson is learning how to draw. Ben 10 is super popular here

Monday, August 22, 2011

Move, Cold, New, and Old

Hello fam!!!!!!

So this week has been a tough but good week. The weather has been minnesota-i with 90s monday till weds and now we are in the 50´s and at night in the 40´s. It is crazy. But as the title does indicate we MOVED!!!! there is a new rule that says that one companionship to one pension. so we found a new house which is two small rooms and a bathroom. we can only use one room now because the other is still occupied but its ok. kinda bunched up but home is where the heart is all we always say. 

We have been struggling with finding new people to teach and people who want to progress but with working hard and much prayer our prayers have been answered!! Yesterday we found some awesome new people to teach and most of them was because a member came up to us and said ¨i want to go visit my brother with you guys can you come find me at 2 by gical¨ YESSSSSSS!!!!!! really without members missionary work is much harder with them its 100% better amazing!!!! 

so we have been preparing as a mission for the visit of Pres. Arnold of the 70. we have a conference with him tomorrow and its gonna be amazing!!! i cant wait. The last week i have been really trying to focus on the savior. (pres arnold asked us to study the atonement) and i wanted to do it for myself. i also have started reading the new testament to finish all of the standard works . Really the life of the savior is full of service. he serves all of those around him its amazing. we took some of that into an example this last week. we were walking down a street where we are mostly met with negative words and rejections and we saw a grandma and her daughter cleaning up after a funeral service. we decided to help them out a bit and clean up with them. it only took 20min but we were able to find from them new people to talk to, and people in that area have become more receptive to us.

not only service is important but also patience and determination. without those two things missionary work is really hard. there are always a couple negative things here and there. but if there are 19 rejections it doesnt matter because we found 1 person who is prepared to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ

i love this gospel with all of my heart. i cant wait to start reading Jesus the Chris, by Talmedge, im trying to find one in english but from what ive read in spanish it is amazing. i love this gospel so much it has helped me grow tremendously.

love you all and pray for you
best wishes

Elder Wilson


1. Me and Elder Rios rockin some rubix! 1min 40sec my best time. not amazing but i can at least do it now.
2. My Companion!!!! Elder Arriola from El Salvador. He is from the mission where Elder Jordan Brown will be serving
3.The river these are commom boats for where people go fishing.
4. Noche de Hogar FHE with fam Arana TACOS!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pushing Along

Hey all!!!!

So things are goin well still being happy and pushing along. Not many people are really receptive at the moment but its all good its always darkest before the dawn. Just gotta keep pushing forward. I have been studying on personal time Preach My Gospel along with the New Testament. Can i just say that the life of Christ is sooooo awesome. Really he worked so many miracles. As i was studying PMG i forgot what was the topic but i looked up a scripture in Helaman 10:4-5. After reading it the thought popped into my head and i felt a deep desire to have those two scriptures be me at the end of my mission. to know what it says you gotta read it!!!!!!!!!

So while on the mission a thing that i have found to be a huge importance in the lives of people including my own is to commit ourselves to our decisions. It can be in school, work, life, or what ever little or big thing. We have been talking to Gustavo who has been visiting with the missionaries for a bit of time and we have been trying to put a fixed date for his baptism. Normally we with them put the goals or the date of the baptism but this time we said hey gustavo we know you want to be baptized but you have to choose a date. we all sat there in a bit of silence and he told us the 27th of this month. since this is his commitment i know that he will pull through.

The ward that im in is really awesome. The sad thing is that there are few priesthood leaders or priesthood. We have youth and a whole mix of stuff. Right now we are trying to help the ward come all together and build each other up. I am truly grateful for the two wards that i have been apart of Plymouth 1st/Med Lake and Naperville 1st.  The experiences that i have had in these wards are amazing.

So for the next zone conference that will be with an area president, president arnold he has asked us to learn more about the atonement. Man the atonement is so awesome i love it. Really Christ did so much for us. its incredible the pain and suffering he took. its hard just to imagine the love that he has for us its unmeasureable i cant believe it. i am so grateful for him and his sacrifice. without him we would be completely lost.

my best wishes and love go to you all

Elder Wilson

(i like the dear elder and cards because i can read them more often)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another Short but Sweet

(sorry to be a day late in posting - internet down last night - tim)

Hey family all is going well here in beautiful paraguay. This last week we had the chance to find a new family who are awesome and progressing so much. it is the Ricardo fam. they are so awesome, humble, and open to hear the gospel. 

The temp has gone up again now when we go to bed its back around to the low 80s which isn't to bad. i dont know if i would rather be cold or hot in the morning but time will tell. 

so a fun one for this week is that we got a call from the office saying that we have a week to move. so we have been looking for a house like crazy the past week found a good handful but as of now not any are really up to what the office wants. its crazy how house hunting can help you find people to teach which is really awesome.


welcome to the world June Blair Wilson!!!!! she looks soo cute and amazing. Born on the 6th so close to the 1st but its all good. very proud to be an uncle of such a beautiful baby.

what i love about missionary work is that you learn to love the people and the area more and more. I LOVE PARAGUAY AND MISSION WORK!!!! yesterday the first part of the day was really rough. normally sundays are really hard for us, because many people have visitors or are drinking which doesn't really open up many doors. but what i have learned is how important it is to trust in God during the hard times. to stay positive have a good mood and push forward. by the end of the night we had a very productive and awesome day. full of great spiritual experiences and fun. God truly blesses us when we push through!!!

my best wishes, prayers, and love go to you all!!!!

Elder P. Wilson

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Companion - Same Area


Just as the title states I'm in the same area but with a new companion. His name is Elder Arriola from El Salvador. Its really crazy out of my 3 companions i have had two latinos and one latino american. doesnt happen very often but its a great blessing because it helps me better my spanish. a even funnier things is that my old companion Elder Fernelius is now in my old area San Isidro. so we kinda did a swap but not really. 

so this last week we found an awesome new family. its the Ricardo family. the first lesson was amazing. we did all of the restoration and it was so awesome i loved it. the spirit was there and when we explained the book of mormon and sadly only had one more with us to give to them they both went at it like the wilsons going for gorilla uno. (hahha good memories) we visit them again tonight and I'm so excited for it. we are gonna set a baptismal date for them and i pray and hope that the lords will is that they are baptized in the next few weeks.

its crazy. even though I'm still junior companion i had to be senior companion for the first few days. at first i was like wow this is a lot harder than it looks but then i just started to focus more and pray a little bit harder and try to follow the spirit to help me along the way and its helped me a whole lot. this last week we were up in the 90´s tuesday and now we are down in the 50s or 40s so its really cold down here. i also weighed myself  and guess what im gettin close to the beautiful 180s!!!!!!!!  do some more p90x hard core exercising when i get home and it will be awesome awwwww yaaaaaa!!!!!! if i can get all nice and skinny. its really funny here because everyone says oh is the short fat one or the tall skinny one. very open. and i am very proud to say that they are calling me skinny now instead of the fat kashiai american. (that was a word in guarani that is a compliment means nice and funny)


so this weeks shout out to my amazing mother and awesome brother!!!! it is blair and moms birthday and they are both truly amazing.

mom is so awesome truly when we moved i made a new best friend with mom. she has taught me so much and yes mom another point to you because like you said when i was younger ¨you are gonna learn how much you appreciate your mother and father when you go on your mission¨. my goodness it is sooooo true!!!!!!!!! i love you so much mom and i am eternally grateful for you and that i can live with you and dad and all of our family together forever. thank you for your patience, love, testimony, courage, and willingness to serve all the time.

blair for all of my life i have looked up to your awesome example. now that you have your own family you are setting a perfect example for all of us for the types of families we should have. thank you for marrying julie who is one of the biggest blessings in my life. thank you also for your patience love great example, always wanting to have fun, and always being a strong spiritual role model. i am proud that i am your little twin. i am losing more hair everyday so we will be looking more and more alike. i love you so much and am also eternally grateful for you.

you are all in my prayers and my love goes out to all of you!!!! 


Elder Parker Wilson