Monday, November 26, 2012

Finding Joy Through Others


this last week we did a bit of traveling. our zone has a base of three cities and we went into the other two this last week for baptismal interviews and other meetings. makes ya a tad bit tired but thanks to all of the soccer traveling in the past im kinda used to it. traveling by bus is actually kinda nice and pretty cheap. 

this last week the main thing that i learned was finding the joy in watching others succeed. i have had it frequently in my life but this last week i fully felt it. one was during sacrament meeting. the other elders have this incredible guy who they are working with who is ready to be baptized. when i saw him all by himself walk into the chapel i got super excited for the kid and also for the other missionaries. also because the zone  at the start of the month wasn't  having a prosperous month by helping others enter into the waters of baptism; 14 people in our zone were baptized this month and the mission got over 100 which is incredible. we are going for 1000 total by the end of the year. i think that is something that is really good for me to acquire. finding joy in the success of others. me being a wilson and all of you know i am a somewhat competitive person. i find it really great that i am eliminating that type of pride within me and finding the joy in the progress and miracles in the lives of other missionaries and other people.

a fun little things we did this week was a bit of service. it feels good to serve have charity. we went on over to a recent converts house and built them a chicken coop. it was saaaaaweet! basically how they do it is getting whatever wood is around and nailing it all together. an amazing thing about the people here is that they are like mcgiver (i dont know how to spell his name) but when it comes to building things or fixing things or anything. they make anything out of everything. aaaaaaaahhhhh paraguay i love it. 

an interesting thing that i have come to realize during my mission is all of the different types of pride there are and how many different ways there are to be prideful. kinda scary but really interesting. example. if one is not willing to forgive themselves they are not letting the atonement come into their lives. in other words their pride is getting in the way of their own forgiveness. me and my companion talked about multiple small and different ways one can be prideful without even realizing it and then we worked on eliminating that. how you may ask? CHARITY CHARITY CHARITY OHHHH CHARITY. having a smile, being nice, turning the other cheek and doing all of those small things to be happy. i started a study today in the book of mormon on christ and the atonement. its so incredible how it works. anything you can change, anything you can get rid of, anything you can fix. the love of the Lord is so incredible and it just makes you want to do better and to be a better person. on my mission i have come to understand the atonement so much more and the importance of the atonement and of the savior. i have an christmas gift for all of the family. i would like to invite you all to take a Book of Mormon and mark and study everything that talks about Christ and the Atonement. i did it for half of one chapter and it was incredible it will bring so many blessings.

i know that this church is true. i know that christ lives and how joyful it is to be apart of this work.

love you all 

elder wilson

1. This is the legendary golder alfajorpe. it is like the jackalope of the missionaries. you hear about it all the time, and every once in a while see a wrapper, but this last week we had the opportunity TO EAT ONE!!!! it was incredible!!! (Alfajores are the quintessential street food in South America. )2. Yaaaaaaaaaaa............. thats elder gleason. he got a hold of my camera
3. gotta love the campo bunch of great pictures

Monday, November 19, 2012

Its the most wonderful time!

first of all just got off the phone with Elder Schone who is coming here this week to do divisions in our zone and he sends his love to you all. a great missionary and a great friend.

SOOOOOO this  week on monday we had a wonderful experience. we found a golden family. they are Sergio and Olga; they have a little boy whose 5-years old and has epilepsy. a special kid but a wonderful experience to  share my testimony with them. we did a big service project with them. went with a member on over to their house to trim a tree. trimming here is cutting off most of the branches. it was about a 60 feet tall tree and we climbed up with a machete and chopped it on down. my companion went to the higher parts because we couldn't fit two so i got to chop on down below and he took down a big one that almost fell on him but he was saved and it is a great journal entry. the best part though happened at 8:20am on sunday...... they went to church all by themselves and absolutely loved it!   they felt the spirit so much and even though there are some communication boundaries at the moment because they speak more guarani than spanish they are progressing wonderfully! 

later on that night we had a very interesting thing happen, not to go into detail, but some guys started to chastise us, the church, and the Book of Mormon. the spirit was not there at all so respectfully we got out, the man did invite me to pray and ask God if what he said was true. with that invitation i invited him to read the Book of Mormon and to ask God if it was true. i accepted he declined. that night both me and my companion were on our knees for some time and i prayed for so long searching for an answer and i received one. a still small peace and love came to me when i asked God if the Book of Mormon is true and if this is Gods true church. doesn't matter how many times you ask God will always answer. 

throughout the week we saw many more things maybe not as large but things that were attacking our testimonies. it was very interesting that with every attack i have become more and more determined 
to strengthen my testimony and testify of the restoration of Gods true and living church on the earth 
today. I feel more and more inclined to talk to people about the restoration, to present and testify of the Book of Mormon to all. at the end of the race you gotta be strong ya. its like bending your knees and doing the full follow through when your shooting free throws and you got only one minute left. you gotta focus, and give it all. its so interesting because there are times that me and my companion feel physically beat, but we can keep on going. our bodies are feeling tired but our minds and souls are invigorated (super spell check) to keep on sharing the gospel. honestly it is so amazing to me how true the church is in its simpleness. God called prophets since the beginning of time (adam). man would always reject them. he continued calling prophets until He sent His only begotten Son to save us from sin. Jesus Christ established His church with apostles and His authority. again through the wickedness of man it was lost. in its simpleness. now God has restored His church through a modern day prophet joseph smith. I testify that the boy joseph saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. through him the keys to the salvation of man were restored. now the big question HOW CAN WE KNOW? well that is where the Book of Mormon comes to play. Moroni 10:3-5 read, ponder, pray, and you will know through the Holy Ghost. we just need to be humble and we can know. I LOVE the Book of Mormon. I testify that it is the word of God. the Lord has blessed me with these 2 years to testify of its truth and especially for me to come to know its truth. I love this church. more importantly i love my God and I love Him for sending His Only Begotten Son to save me from my faults.

i love you all and I'm so grateful for all that you do. the church is true and i will declare it to all that can hear. that the spirit may guide me during that time so that its now me who is speaking but it is Him. i am nothing. through God and the atonement of Christ i can be perfected.

love you!!!

Elder Wilson

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Hello dear family and friends!!! 
how art thou?! 
(gotta love the wilson vocabulary)

to start off - let you all know I got the package along with all of the dearelders and blair and Julie's letter. thank you all very much!!! the ties are saweet! the sox i am sporting a pair right now and my feet approve. the gum my companion approves very much. thank you thank you thank you!

so a fun thing that we are doing  now is a bunch of divisions which means that i am out of our area about 2 times a week or so. right now i have been to every branch here in our city, and this following week we get to take an hour bus ride and i get to go do divisions in Villa Rica which is about 1 hour south and the next week we are going out to ca´aguazu which is about 1 hour west. our zone takes up 3 cities which is pretty cool got to go out to the campo campo´ite!!! which was great! the fun thing is that this week i get to see 2 of my old companions (elder norton and elder horton!!!) they are both in my zone and actually there are 4 or 5 missionaries that were in my district when i was a DL in sajonia about a year ago which is really cool get to see them again and work with them again.

so this week we had a great thing . we had a great "endure to the end talk". we are seeing how some missionaries are slowing up and not working as hard and are getting trunky (wanting to go home and not working) well we are on the anti-trunky train and we are going full steam ahead. we felt a strong impression on how we end our missions will be a huge factor on our futures. are we going to be finishers or no? that is the question. for me it is a solid YES!!! right now we are having difficulties when it comes to some ward things and people coming to church on sunday. we have an amazing family, the familia gayoso, who are so ready and so amazing!!! they are going to be  baptized in the beginning of december, we also are working with this great kid named junior who is changing his life around. the branch is struggling a bit but you know what you gotta put on a smile and keep on working giving your all and just loving the people always and testifying of the truth. due to the pictures i don't have a ton to write but let us all endure to the end always (love the finishers wanted talk)

love you all and pray for you daily

elder wilson

 So the computer isn't letting me look at the others so i think your just gonna have to guess for these ones. 

Bday feast (mexican food)

cool bday gift they god me

yes - living in the country

not quite sure

easing down the road ( notice pavement)

if only we had wheels

my companion elder gleason

Monday, November 5, 2012

Coronel Oviedo

so i have five minutes. ill tell ya why.

so we are out here in beautiful coronel oviedo me with elder gleason from utah. he is awesome!!! we got up at 3 this morning to catch a bus for asunciĆ³n. its about a 3 hour ride for our ZL meeting. got there to find that all of the good buses had left and the seats on the ok ones were full. there was only standing room. well we took it!!! it was a once in a lifetime experience. a girl got sick on the bus and threw up, but its just another great journal write. fell asleep standing up which i've never done before. all in all it was awesome. all of the elders at the meeting asked me how my first trip was and they all loved the answer especially elder pastul. 

so out here there are 24 elders and they are in 3 cities all 1 hour apart. our area is much more humble but amazing. i love it! it is really different and we are making some changes in the zone but with the Book of Mormon, faith, and prayer. things are going to be changing and its going to be amazing!!!!

thank you for all that you do and love you all gotta head out!!!!


elder wilson