Monday, January 30, 2012

Time is Flying!!!


Well this week literally flew by. Wow it is just so crazy how time is flying by. Well the big pondering this week. Let's start off with reading. So right now i'm in the Book of Mormon reading and this week I've been reading Alma 1 and today i just finished Alma 16. I´ve been studying a ton of things but Book of Mormon so far this week has been really great. I think that is one of the big things that I'm working on for this week is learning better to receive revelation through reading the Book of Mormon. I also am going through the process of becoming more refined and moldable for the Lord. Growing up I've always been the type of person that after i start doing something, i like someone telling me that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and say what i need to work on. That ranged from Mark Weber in basketball, to math problems, to talking to mom and dad just about life. Really, in this last change I've been coming to know my Father in Heaven a lot more, through prayer and studying the scriptures. Like the advice that Brig gave me before i came out, about getting better at looking up and in for the answers to problems instead of in and around. I find that to be a big part of just learning how to trust in God and not as much in man; and when we get to that point that is when Alma 26:12 can really apply to us which is amazing.

I was also able to learn just how important being kind is. Growing up mom has always said to me "no matter what another person says or does, never be rude." honestly that has been advice that has gone through my head and penetrated my heart so much. just having that charity that pure love of Christ within us. I was on divisions with an Elder this last week and we go to a cita where a guy just starts tearing into us like crazy for a solid 5 mins. I started getting a tad bit frustrated and wanted to do a bit of what is known as "Bible Bash", but that great advice popped into my mind. I turned to the man with just a big smile saying "hermano, unfortunately we have to go. one day we would love to come and share with you, but we cant do it like this. the spirit of contention is not the spirit of God. we are very grateful that you are willing to hear our message and if there is anything that we can do for you just let us know." the situation completely changed it was incredible. really a smile is so contagious (sc). 

I also learned how to be more humble this week. Just how i need to focus more on what the Lord wants to do rather than what i want to do during lessons. Its a struggle but i know that He is there with me to help me and refine me. I was also going through my patriarchical (hahha ya no idea how to spell that ) blessing.We have them for a reason; sometimes we look for where is something that God is talking directly to me about my life. There it is. It is such an amazing guide. I love it and cherish it with all of my heart. 

I want you all to know that I know that this church is true. It is. Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. He came here to this earth to suffer for our sins our transgressions. All that he asks is for us to come to him. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I have not a splinter of doubt. No matter how the world may attack it they will never break or take the testimony that i have of its truthfulness in me. Joseph Smith saw God, and Jesus Christ. Through the power and authority of God we have his only true and restored church on the earth. I love this gospel. I love the words of modern day prophets. I love how the gospel is there to constantly help us to get better, to continually improve if we have that desire. The greatest part though is that it helps us be happy. The world may crash. Great states and economies may fall, man may attack the true church of Christ and its doctrine with all of its power, but it will not even make a scratch because the power of God will always triumph. I put my name out to the world that Parker Maurice Wilson knows with all of his heart that this is the Lords work and glory, to bring to pass the eternal life of man. I am the Lords servant. I am a child of God. I love you all so very much and pray for your well being continually.

love you all

Elder Wilson

Monday, January 23, 2012


well this week was a  great week. still growing a ton personally and as a companionship. two of my main focuses have been getting better acquainted with the scriptures and being able to use the spirit. 

the best story is what happened last night. as you all know Maria  is searching for her answer. after doing a little scripture and lesson with the family we went with her and her husband to have our own lesson. honestly i have never sat and pondered and prayed and hoped and searched for the spirit so much in my life as in that moment. we are helping her progress but i think the biggest change in that lesson was me. just me finding truly the source of the spirit and keeping it with me. there was one part that was amazing. as we were talking about finding her answer she said "wouldn't it be so great if Christ just came and told me. it would be so much easier to know." the lesson continued and while we were talking to her i felt impressed to say something "Maria, you said how great it would be if Jesus Christ came and told you what was the truth. Maria, you are. We are literal representatives of Jesus Christ. When you talk to us you are talking to him. We are his tools here on the earth. We testify that this is true because we know that is exactly what Christ would say." The spirit was just like wow. Really that was very much for me as it was for her. That I am a representative of Jesus Christ. It is my calling to share his word with the people here in Sajonia 1.2, AsunciĆ³n, Paraguay. 

I love this work. I am growing so much. Still glad that God has given me my personality and He lets me still have it, but spiritually i have grown so much and im so grateful for it.

thank you for all that you do and your love and support


Elder Wilson

awwwww snow to think that when you guys are in the snow i'm in 110 or so weather everyday ya!!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lost in the WWW

So this letteer missed us last week and we got a double dose today

Hey family!!!!!!!!!

So this week was a good week. We found 16 new people to teach and 4 families!!!!!!! It was awesome! It was literally a week full of hard work and miracles. We were walking down the street on our way to an appointment when we said hi to two men sitting down in the garage that was a good 15ft away. for some reason my companion and i stopped walking. one of the guys didnt want to talk to us, but the other got up and walked toward us. He told us "Ive been looking for you two all day. I want you to come to my house and talk to me and my son." well of course we said yes and set up an appointment for later on that day and went to visit them.There was also a classic Paraguay moment as well. We went into a lesson and it was bright sunny and hot. About 30 min later when we left it started pouring like crazy. Winds picked up a ton and we got absolutely soaked. We did have a solid 1hr or so walking in the rain which was good though. Nice and refreshing because it was up in the 100 and 110 during the week and that just cleared it all on out. Another crazy fun experience  we had was while we  teaching a lesson: We were teaching when a boy walked by and asked the fam we were with for milk and a piece of bread. They gave it to him hoping that he would leave because from his countenance he seemed like one of the street kids who gets a bit of money then goes and finds drugs. He was only speaking Guarani, and pure Guarani. which means that he comes from the country. His job was shinning shoes. He started shinning the shoes of a man while sitting there and watching me and my companion. After we finished the lesson and were talking to the fam we heard a "Sir, can i shine your shoes?". Both me and my comp whip our heads around and look at the kid. It ends up that he speaks pure Guarani, and english. Really good english. He studied a little bit and the rest he gets from movies, internet, and video games. His english is better than his spanish. it was incredible. we are going to meet up with him on weds to have him come to our english class.

Well it seems like every week is turning into a pondering week no? well this one was one of those when you have the super highs and then you get the norm and you want to find how to get back the super highs. Honestly now im converting into a praying and scripture maniac. which is really good. The tough times make us grow which is awesome. I personally see it as a way for me to get close to my Father in Heaven which i have to do.

I love you all so much and im so grateful for all that you do!!!!! yall are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

Elder Wilson

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Short but sweet

Things are going well. Trying to figure out how to be  a better missionary everyday its a long process, but its worth it. Per your letter,  I Love Lehi´s dream. It is really cool in that you can analyze it and view it from so many different points which is really interesting.

 We are in a new transfer but i haven't changed. Still here in Sajonia with Elder Norton a really huge blessing to still be here with him and in this area. Got a new ZL who is an Elder who I've known all of my mission which is nice and a new elder in the district who was in my district before in San Antonio which is nice. same faces just different places. man is the mission truly amazing though, i mean like WOW. yes mom you were right about all the stuff I'll learn on the mission and all that i will do. you have some more points haha. but really I'm growing so much and i really love it. I'm ¨become the man i need to be.¨ taking a bit of work but its all good. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Best Week of the Mission

Hey everyone!!!!!

I hope all is wonderful with all of ya guys. Things are going really well here in Sajonia, Paraguay. This week literally has been amazing. The best week of my mission. We were able to see a ton of miracles happen in our area and most importantly I have had such HUGE growth in the last week. It really has been incredible. I did a lot of personal reflecting and personal as you can say ¨soul seaching¨. I honestly have done more productive studying, praying and pondering this last week than ever in my life before. One of the biggest ones was how can i better recognize the spirit and act upon it. The other expirence was being 100% dedicated to the Lords work in every way and form.

In the last district meeting that we had we talked about reaching our potential using a talk from Pres. Monson called ¨Finishers Wanted¨ (high suggested read). I talked about how we as a district we need to be 100% in the work. Putting in everything that we got. Separating ourselves from the world and just doing it with a smile!!!! As a district leader i realized a bunch on how if i want my district to do it, I gotta do it, and do it with all of my heart might, mind and stregnth. The spirit during that meeting was amazing just incredible. Its gonna take a lot of work, but i know that its worth it and that it is happening!!!

Second and best story. So last week i was trying to figure out a way that i can not only have the spirit with me more but more act upon it and know that it is working through me. I prayed about it and studied it. This last friday, my companion an I were having comp study and were talking about what can we do as a companionship to better ourselves. We both talked about better feeling the spirit and acting upon it. I started talking about a lesson that we had. We were teaching Juan (relative of members) and we were verifying what he felt about the Book of Mormon and if it is Gods true church. I flipped through the scriptures for a sec and found one that was like boom!!!! to this moment i do not remember the scripture. It talked about the Lord calling his sheep to his fold. when i told that to my companion the spirit testified to me that it was him working through me during that lesson so that i could help this one precious sheep enter the fold. Juan went to church with his cousins this last week and is talking to his mom about baptism. It is so amazing how our Father in Heaven answers our prayers. I feel that the spirit is with me so much more now and its amazing. I feel really uncomfortable when its not and its a great thing to have that difference because as a representative of Jesus Christ we need to have that spirit with us at all times, in all things, and in all places.

Sorry but recently i have been lacking on my photo taking but i will be taking more. Changes are this week so ya never know what is gonna happen. I love you all so much and you are all in my prayers.

Love ya!!!

Elder Wilson

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 New Vision and New Desires


I am super glad to hear that all of your new year was wonderful with a bunch of visits and other great things. We had a great one down here in beautiful Paraguay. We worked. That is what we did. We went out there and looked for those who are ready to receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. A lot of people were blowing up fireworks which was an interesting experience. Some blew up a little bit too close but its all good.

This last week i have come to a better knowledge of the importance of the scriptures. How really they are here for us to guide us and to inspire us. Especially the Book of Mormon. Really without it we wouldn't be able to do anything. We live, eat, and breath the Book of Mormon so that we are better able to connect to our investigators by using the Spirit that the Book of Mormon brings. It makes me so grateful that all of the church around the world will be studying the Book of Mormon this year; and as a mission Pres. Callan has invited us to read it as well by June. 

Today I just got back from a great leadership meeting. All of the District and Zone Leaders from the mission got together to discuss the mission goals and how we are as a mission. It was a great meeting. I was able to see a bunch of Elders who i haven't seen in a while;  but the most important thing during that time was the personal revelation. Really i got a whole load of it. I realized that i still have more that i can give. That i still can sacrifice more to help me be better focused on my purpose as a representative of Jesus Christ. If I put in everything that I can with literally every fiber of my being i will be fulfilling my purpose. This work is so important and i love it so much. I still have a bunch that i need to work on. I'm not perfect at all but i do know what i have to do. That is why i am so blessed to be here in Sajonia 1.2 with Elder Norton. Really he is helping me open not only my eyes but more importantly my heart to the will of the Lord and the importance of this work. I like what Mom wrote me about what the teacher said in her sunday school class. It was along the lines of ¨What principal are we working on for the coming year that will bring us closer to Christ? ¨ I personally know what i gotta work on. Its gonna take a while and I'm gonna have to put in more effort and more love into the work but i am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity to be molded by our Heavenly Father everyday. That the Lord trusts me enough to assign me a little piece of his vineyard  here on the earth.

I know with all of my hear that this is the only true church on the earth. That Christ lives and that he loves us. How our Heaven Father loves us and wants the best for us. I am so grateful for their patience and love for me. That they want me to become the best Elder, Man, and Son of God that i can be. That they are always there to guide me in all moments. The Book of Mormon true and is the most perfect book here on the earth.

I love you all very much and am so grateful for you, my best wishes and prayers

Elder Wilson

not a new photo in fact almost 1 - year old of parker and his grandma Wilson