Monday, July 30, 2012

Baptism, baptism

Hey fam how's it all goin?

Just got out of a leadership meeting with all of the ZLs, AP, and Pres. Agazzani. It was incredible! we are taking everything and putting it in the water. It was the most incredible meeting, just filled with the spirit of inspiration, revelation, and discernment. We are starting a whole new way of working, with a whole new page; and we are going to be baptizing every week here in every area!!!! With our diligence and obedience the Lord will bless us with His grace and we will see so many miracles.

This last week we had a bunch of miracles happen. one of the coolest was our practice that we had at district meeting. it was me and elder schone teaching elder wistinsin (UT). the practice was teaching the restoration and always testifying. it was incredible the spirit that was there was one of the strongest that i have felt at a district meeting. me and elder schone did a normal teaching a lesson in 8min pace for the first part of the lesson and then when we got to the restoration we slowed down and let the spirit work its wonders. it just came in time and time again stronger and stronger testifying to all of us that the boy Joseph did see God the Father and His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, and that the true church of God was restored in its fullness to the earth through a modern day prophet. that honestly is the thing that we all have that we must share. as it says in the scriptures why should we hide our light in a bushel. we gotta let it shine out. be a bright example and declare the restoration of Gods true church to everyone. we all have it and they all need it. the priesthood authority has been restored and only by that authority can one be baptized so that they can enter into the kingdom of God. if they don t they will not be able to. so how important that we share this joy, this eternal happiness, this strength, satisfaction, and love with all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world? uber caduber important. that is why i am so grateful that everyday i have the opportunity to declare this gospel and happiness in this beautiful country of paraguay.

this week though we are so blessed because Mirna is super excited for her baptism!! due to some health problems she couldn't do it two days ago, but now she's ready and excited more than ever. watching her and nestor grow is incredible. Nestor is the most converted man that i have ever seen in my life. his testimony is so strong and he just wants to share it with everyone. him and mirna after church came with us to teach a couple that came to church and he just testified and testified. he wants to help them get baptized!! also there is a girl named Tamara who has been listening to the missionaries for a while. her sisters, cousin and brother were baptized but she wasn't. after going to a youth activity and having a wonderful spiritual experience there she went home and said to her mom, "mom, i want to be baptized." her baptism is scheduled for friday. WHAT AMAZING MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS FROM THE LORD!!! it just shows how activities can help someone come to know the truth of this gospel. it is so amazing!!!!

last but definitely not least i want to give the shout out to my wonderful mother and brother blair who are going to be completing another amazing year on the 1st. i am so grateful for you guys and all that you have done and continue to do. you are the most amazing examples for me. mom has helped me become the man that i am today and blair has been that perfect example helping me have a vision for who and what i want to become. that you both have wonderful birthdays.

i testify to you all that this is Christs church here on the earth. that it was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and by reading it was can really come to know who he is. Today we have a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson who talks with the Father and the Son. The priesthood authority has been restored so that all man kind may be saved through the ordinances of the gospel. first we must take that key step of baptism by immersion by someone who holds the authority and then be on the path to go to the temple which leads to exaltation.

i love you all and thank you for all that you do

Elder Wilson

wedding party

baptism party

FHE party

Mbeyu party

Wilson invasion party

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