Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Good way to start, good way to begin

hey family!!!!

well this week was one of the best weeks of my mission! we had so many miracles happen. this last week we had back to back baptisms. on friday tamara who had listened to the missionaries for a year was baptized and the spirit that was there was so incredible. even though there were not a lot of people in attendance of both baptisms there were the right people. for tamara there was a bunch of the young women, and for Mirna all of the people who have helped her and Nestor enter into the waters of baptism were there. 

monday was just amazing because of our council for leaders like I mentioned before. this week we were just all over the place working with the members getting everything all ready and it was amazing how smoothly things really went. it was such a blessing from the Lord. we had a noche de hogar (FHE) with Nestor, Mirna, Luis, Norma, Sofia, Marcos, and Nestors relatives and the spirit was so amazing. This last week Nestor blessed the sacrament as well with baptizing his wife. the spirit that was there was amazing. this sunday at testimony meeting was the most spiritual and powerful that i have been apart of. people just went up there and testified. that is truly what a testimony is - testifying of the truth and promising others that they can receive the same. i love what one of the missionaries said, "If you are reading the Book of Mormon, i congratulate you. if you are not reading it, i invite you to repent and to read it, and if you have not yet had the opportunity to read it. i promise you that by reading it you can come to know that this is God's  true church on earth." I testify of those words. the Book of Mormon is the key. it is everything. it is what makes it or breaks it. it is so incredible that through the Book of Mormon we can resolve all of our problems and answer all of our questions and doubts. 

later on today we will figure out changes(transfers). it is totally up in the air. no one knows what will happen. all we do know is that there is going to be a lot of changes this transfer. the work is still the same though, you still do the same work and the same things are expected of you. go out and testify of the truth and baptize God's children. that is why we are on our missions to baptize. Pres. Agazzani talked to us how we are not the judges and we cannot judge. all that he said is to teach well and baptize which is what we must do. John 3:5 is quite clear. it doesn't start off with just an automatic invitation. we gotta start with the small things. the invitation to an activity, to listen to the missionaries, go to church, go to mormon.org, and other things. i honestly believe and testify that through small and simple things great things do come to pass. so my invitation is for us all to do that small and simple thing to help the Lord's kingdom progress. there is never something too small or too big. it all is part of the same vision and the same goal. 

I testify that this is God's true church here on the earth. That He and Jesus Christ appeared to a boy of 14 years to restore the truth here on the earth again. Revelation is real. From the revelation that Prophet Monson receives for all of us, to the individual revelation that we all receive for ourselves in our daily lives. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it testifies of the whole truth. This gospel just fills you. you cant describe it. everyone searches for that one thing that fills them. at times they find something that last for a couple of minutes, a couple of hours, days, months, or years. But only through the gospel of Jesus Christ can we find that peace and calm and happiness for the eternities.

Thank you all for all that you do i love you all so much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNNIE B!!!!! can't wait to meet her one day she looks so big!

you all are always in my thoughts and in my prayers.


Elder Wilson

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