Monday, July 23, 2012

Loving Learning

Hey fam!

so i do hope you all appreciate that i try to make some catchy titles to my letters it does take time to develop and sometimes its one and off, but ya get what ya get.

this week was a wonderful week. we had two amazing meetings. we met up with pres. agazzani and the stake pres. the room was so full of amazing priesthood holders. Pres. agazzani receives revelations for this mission i have no doubt. he has this new plan of working with all members less active and active to help more people be baptized into the only true and living church of Christ. it was amazing we got so much revelation and the work is going to explode!!!! also on weds we had our interviews with Pres. Agazzani. He is amazing he is super personal which i love. shows his love and concern for every missionary. loves the work. wants to get things done and is willing to give it all to have it done. he says that he is not a man of words but with the spirit any man can be a man of words because it is the Lord speaking through them. 

Nestor got the aaronic priesthood on sunday it was amazing he is so excited and is going to baptize his wife mirna on saturday. i would send you pictures but this cyber doesn't connect to my camera. we also found 3 youth who want to be baptized!!! a member who was baptized in secret and was afraid to tell her family got the push and stood up and now is giving us referrals and is bringing so many people to church. just shows how if one of us opens up our voice how many people can be brought into the Lord's fold.

I am doing well. today i listened to a really cool talk by elder holland called 'Remember Saul's Wife'. it talks about having faith and hope for the future and forgetting the past and forgiving all including yourself. that before was a difficulty for me but now through prayer, and fasting, and studying the scriptures the Lord has strengthened me so much. 

sorry i don't have a ton of time today but i love you all and pray for you daily. with you all well and have an amazing week. this is god's work!!!! this is his church. the book of mormon is true.


Elder Wilson

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