Monday, July 9, 2012

Have faith give your all, and the Lord will show His grace

Hey fam!!!

wow this week has just flown by. honestly every week on the mission has a million things that i can write to all of you about and tell you about all of the multiple miracles that are happening all over the place. today though i want to mainly focus on two things our first meeting with Pres. and Hna Agazzani, and the most stressful but miraculous(sc) day in the world.

Thursday we had the great opportunity of meeting Pres. Agazzani. It was two of the biggest zones in the mission us Zone 5 and Zone 4. It was nice because i was asked to direct the music and i have found it actually pretty fun directing the music. i have done it for most of my mission now and i very much enjoy it. The meeting was nothing big. Me and Elder Schone presented the zone and the numbers that we got this last month and what we are going to do as a zone to improve and see more baptisms. We then all presented ourselves. I just said my name is elder wilson I'm from chicago and next week humberto sandoval is going to be baptized. something short and simple. When pres. and hna agazzani went up you could just see the love that they have for this work and the desire they have to bring more of God's children to this gospel. Pres. Agazzani is the complete opposite of Pres. Callan. they are both spiritual giants and amazing. he is a super funny guy and you can see the love that he has and the vision that he has for the mission which is baptize twice as much.

so this last week Nestor and Mirna were married and Nestor was baptized. So all of this last week they were getting all excited for the wedding and the baptism. with members we did amazing decorations and some great food, but there was a huge trial of faith that was coming for both ends. saturday morning we get a text from nestor saying that he wants to push it off till next week. we were at the office for a meeting so we waited for after. he then called us and we just didn't acknowledge the push off and set up a visit. we asked the first counselor to come with us to teach. it was one of the most spiritual lessons ever. tears were brought to our eyes and we testified so much and with all of our hearts. i even got a bit direct. after about an hour and a half they wouldn't budge and said they didn't know when they would want to do it. we honestly left defeated with low faith and hope. we felt that we had done everything to help this family be baptized and just had no idea what to do next. before we left though we felt impressed to say to them. if you change your mind we will be at the church at 6 and its all ready for you. we go to talk to the brother who made the cake and snacks to tell him its off and then i get a call. after literally 5 min they decided to get married and Nestor was going to be baptized. The biggest change of heart and miracle in the world. this is the Lords work because there is no other way that they would say yes. that night was amazing full of the spirit. they got married and it was so wonderful. i honestly cant wait to get sealed for all time and eternity with my future wife after seeing all of these wedding and the spirit and happiness they bring. sunday Nestor came with a suit and tie and has so much support from the ward, and now wants to go out with us to visit people to help them get baptized. i honestly through an email can't give the full details. but i know that this is the Lords work and that He can change any heart. I love this work and i love my Savior. His hand is everywhere in our lives we just need to give our all and have faith in him.

This saturday Humberto is going to be baptized and that is another miracle

i love and pray for you all will get pics for ya next week


elder wilson

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