Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas one and all

Merry Christmas one and all i do hope that snow begins to fall! (rhymes)

Well this was my first not white xmas but it was an awesome xmas. You all knowing that xmas is my favorite holiday for the spirit of xmas, the songs, the food, the family, and it all. Well, we were able to have a fun xmas here in beautiful paraguay. woke up xmas morning and i opened up the xmas gift that sally sent me that i put underneath my xmas tree drawing. we then studied a bit and got to church. sadly our golden investigator sergio couldn't go to church due to an allergic reaction of his daughter but he is going to go this following sunday si o si. after church we went to lunch and then got to work. me and my companion tried a new thing to get not only lessons but find people who would want to hear our message. we asked them if we could share a scripture about the birth of Jesus Christ and it worked!!! we found a bunch of new people who we can teach. that night we went over to a members house to eat xmas dinner which was a chicken friend stake (milanesa) a bit different but that's kinda what it is. a potato, beat, egg salad not to bad actually and sopa paraguaya. its a bread thing that you make with corn flour hard boiled egg cheese and onion. really good if cooked well. the big thing here is xmas eve or noche buena as they say here. all of the fam gets together and they start celebrating and eating around 10pm and all the big stuff goes down at 12am. 

this week we worked like crazy it was awesome. the best thing though was the company of the spirit of the Lord and honestly how happy i was. we have been receiving personal revelation for our investigators so much and it was great!!! its such an awesome experience when your sitting there and your talking but its not you talking its the Lord working through you. one example is heaven inspired questions. we were losing the interest of an investigator and we had to do something to draw him back in. i sat and said a little pray and then thought. i ended up asking ¨what makes you most happy in this life?¨ a simple question. he responded ¨i don't know ive never really thought about that.¨ then he went into ponder mode it was awesome!!!! i sat there and was just like wow this works and its amazing!!!!! I feel that I'm becoming a better tool in the Lords hands and I'm happier and happier everyday its amazing!!!!

it was also a grand pleasure to see and talk to all of you I'm so glad that you had a wonderful xmas. i love the ¨brigham is my favorite¨ shirts. i honestly do want one hahaha. thank you for all that you do and i am so grateful for all of you and love you so much. i was reading the scriptures and found another great one that is in Alma i think 12 or 26 not sure but it is the one when they say that i am nothing but with the lord i am strong. to be honest i am nothing but with the lord on my side i know i can do anything and ill be doing his will.

love you all and pray for you everyday!!!


Elder Wilson

Saturday, December 24, 2011

christmas eve

Elder Parker skyped us this morning
and he looks and sounds great.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Special Change!!!! Hello Sajonia 1.2

Hey fam!!!!

So as the title indicates I have had a special change. Thursday i got a call in the morning telling me that I'm going to go to beautiful Sajonia 1.2 and a new companion, Elder Norton.

Elder Norton is a fellow Midwesterner from the land of milk and cheese. Yes Wisconsin. He is from the sun prairie ward, if blair and julie know it. he was born in minnesota, then moved and lived in chicago and is now from wisconsin!!!! crazy small world stuff. he doesnt know blair and julie but he does know the lake mills ward.

Sajonia is in the Asuncion stake and city it is  more modern and  nicer,  really. Very quite and very tranquilo. we are right next to the river which i love it is amazing!!!! its a bit hilly but good exercise. From what i have heard Sebastian and Elia were baptized this last saturday which is awesome!!!! its amazing how the Lord can change lives and now Sebastian and Marta are getting ready to be sealed in the temple next year. Here in Sajonia since it is an area that this half has been opened around a month and a half ago we are doing alot of finding and talking to new people. its really great because you get to find all of the people who are placed in your path by the Lord and you just have to do your part.

The last few days I've been thinking  about wanting to find the spirit and following the spirit. I really am coming to love the Lord more and more and wanting to find his help to guide me in all things.

1. Elder Norton
2. The River
3 - 6. 3 Bocas

this gospel is so true i love it so much and I'm so grateful to be here in Sajonia i love being a missionary and being able to preach the gospel. the church is so true and let us all have xmas cheer!!!

sorry for short letter next week will be longer and better


Elder Wilson

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hot, Hot Day in December

Hello one and all!!!!!

The saying with the missionaries during this time is ¨oh its gettin hot. christmas must be around the corner.¨ yes it is gettin a tad bit hot in Paraguay even though I'm a bit more used to the heat it still kinda kills, but its all good. Most days are in the high 90´s or the low 100´s. we chug down water and now since me and elder mcgee are on diets and getting better at exercises we are chuggin down that ¨y¨ (guarani for water) it is pronounced as if someone just punched you in the stomach while you are saying ew. i hope that makes sense. 

despite the heat this week has been a  good week we have been workin a ton. this saturday we are gonna have 2 baptisms!!!!!! they are for Sabastian Martinez and Elias C. Sabastian is the husband of Marta who her and her kids were baptized in march. He is ready and he is excited its so awesome!!!!! Elias is the son of a member who was living with his mom before but now moved in with his dad and loves the church and is also super excited to be baptized!!!!! YAY!!!! 
We also had a great experience this week with finding new people to teach. As we were walking down this street i was praying that we could find some new people who are ready to receive the gospel. As we reach a top of the street we see this man and his wife sitting outside of their house. He flags us down and we start talking. he tells us ¨i am in a low part of my life right now and only God can help  out. Can you guys help me?¨ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh being a missionary is soooo awesome!!!! those experiences are just ones that make you say wow this is awesome!!!! His name is Fabio and his wife is Analia. as we started teaching them - out of no where started popping out all of these other people. soon many of their cousins, brothers, and sisters came on over to talk with us!!!! 

So Christmas in Paraguay. Y'all knowing me know that I'm gonna look hard for the traditional xmas food or snack here. Here their gingerbread cookies are Pan Dulce. Pan dulce is a raisin bread that has other fruit put into it and they put a frosting thing on top. its pretty good. In my area there are a decent amount of lights as you walk down the street but the most popular thing is nativities. Almost everyone has one. They all look the same but that is the traditional nativity of Paraguay. There are some trees but they are all fake which is a bummer but oh well. The biggest celebration is done Christmas at 12:00 AM when everyone goes outside and blow up fireworks. Ever since november fireworks have been for sale. the most common is a firecracker. kids run around with these, light them up and throw them in the street; after a month or so you get used to it.

We gave talks this last week and mine was on how during the Christmas season we need to remember the main reason why we celebrate christmas which is to remember our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ birth. I am personally so grateful for the Savior. I am so grateful to be apart of his work and to share his gospel with his people here in Paraguay. The gospel is true. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. Families have the opportunity to be able to be together forever. I am going to do everything to be able to be with my family forever. I love this church it is the only true church on the earth.

I love you all and pray for you everyday. 


Elder Wilson

1. The traditional nativity of Paraguay
2. The fun youth of our ward
3. Fam Martinez
4. Traditional birthday set up

fam martinez

traditional birthday set up

Monday, December 5, 2011

Quedando en 3 Bocas!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDEN!!!

Hey everyone!!!!!
Well transfers came and went and still in good ol 3 bocas with elder mcgee!!!!

This last week we went on splits with the priests in our branch and it was awesome!!! I had the great opportunity and blessing with going with Javier Martinez. He is 17, a recent convert of 8 months, and just wonderful. We split the area up in two; and me and Javier hit the empedrado running. What was a bit of a bummer was that all of our visits fell, but that didnt put us down at all we kept on trucking ahead and just went around to find people to teach. We ended up teaching around 4 lessons and talking to a bunch of people. If we saw them outside or walking we would chat with them for a little bit and invite them to church or put an appointment for the next time we could pass by. It was great!!!! 

Later on in the week, we had a wonderful experience with the Martinez family (Javiers fam). Marta Martinez, a few years ago, got the same thing that grandma utah had which paralyzed all of her left side. When we were there we were teaching  a lesson on having faith in our prayers and putting in our part. She had lost all confidence in walking again and has been too scared to try it again. We sat down with her and her family to set a goal to have her start practicing walking so that she can walk around church all by herself without needing the help of her husband or children. Now she is all pumped and excited to be putting in the effort to walk again!!!! She has the faith and now she has the drive. Through faith truly anything is possible.
Can you believe that this last sunday was the last testimony meeting of 2011??????? I know that is kinda crazy stuff huh? It was a great meeting. Sadly there wasnt a ton of people but there was a great spirit. During the testimony meeting a few members mentioned the missionaries and the effect they had on their lives. Many times it would be us just passing by and saying hi or them seeing us on the street working. Like the advice Blair gave me before i came: our people are really watching us at all times and everywhere we go; which makes it even more important for us to be examples of Jesus Christ in all that we do and say.
Truly i am so grateful for all of those around me. they teach me so much and show me so many different things. nothing is big or small. I love this gospel and this church so much. I know that we all have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over us and cares for us all. He sent his only son to come to this earth to suffer for us that we may repent and come more unto him and be able to return to live with our Father in Heaven once again. Missionary work is one of the best experiences and blessings that i have in my life. I have learned so much and i have come so far and even though iv'e got a good while to go i know what i gotta do to get there. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you and i hope all of the best.
Elder Wilson

Monday, November 28, 2011

thanksgiving day and transfers again

Hey family!!!!

hope all is going well back home. Its getting a bit hotter here in beautiful paraguay. hittin up into the high 90´s and low 100s which is pretty nice. i'm getting really used to it so its all good!!!!

This last week was thanksgiving week which down here isn't much at all. In another area there are a ton of Americans living there so the elders there had a thanksgiving dinner but i very much enjoyed my traditional paraguayan food. Down here they don't celebrate thanksgiving but its still really nice to ponder on it. Dad invited me to continue on the tradition of writing down 10 things that i'm grateful for each night and not repeating any of them. It was very fun to do and its a great family tradition. There are truly so many things that we can be grateful for. Mine ranged from fam, mission pres, Sopa Paraguaya, happiness, the gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ, and many other great and wonderful things. When we look all around us we can find so many things that we can be grateful for; its a wonderful experience. 

We had stake conference yesterday here. It was for Fernando de la Mora Sur. or in missionary terms Zona 4. wait have you guys seen Zona 4 before? i believe yes you have. if you go back around 7 months ago you will see that i was in this zone before! it is actually where i started my mission!!!! so i got to see all the people from my first ward which was awesome. they are all doing great and all very big. the topic was missionary work which i loved. there are a nice handful of missionaries heading out from here. from what i can remember one to argentina, chile, peru and dominican republic. and a bunch are putting their papers in which is a great thing. missionary work truly is awesome!!!! i love it so much! it pushes your boundaries which is pretty fun. since yall know that im a talker (thank you mom) i have gotten more comfortable with just talking with random people on the street. another big blessing that i have learned of on the mission is the importance of knowledge. it is so important to know things. it may be from gardening, world affairs, fish, soccer, to so many other things. you dont have to be an expert but you do know a bit of multiple things then you are able to connect with so many people which is just tons of fun.

as the title indicates the end of transfers is in two days which is insane!!!! the new year is coming and everything is happening so fast!!!! a sad thing is that my  trainer is going home and that one of my biggest examples on the mission is going home too. its sad but you are happy for them because i know that they are both wonderful elders and great examples plus it means that there are NEW MISSIONARIES COMING I- YAY!!!!!! 

i have also gained a personal testimony that God knows what he is doing. personally at times i feel like i have no idea what he is doing but i do know that he knows what he is doing. we get put into so many different situatios but you gotta do what you gotta do and push forward with faith.

love you all so very much and am super grateful for you all!!!! my prayers and best wishes go out to every single one of you. i know this church is the only true church on the earth. that the gospel with all of its wonders has been restored to the earth through a modern day prophet Joseph Smith and that today we have a living prophet Thomas S. Monson who guides us. Prayer is amazing. Pray. Faith works wonders. Keep the commandments and do what God asks you to do and he will trust you and give you blessings.

love you all

Elder Wilson

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Quick message from elder Parker Wilson's dad.
We appreciate your interest, thoughts and prayers for Parker. If you are thinking of sending him a package or letter before the holidays you may want to send it shortly to assure a timely arrival. Addresses in the right hand columns

making it more convenient here it is

Elder Parker Wilson
2881 Del Maestro c/ Caballero
Barrio Herrera
Asunción, Paraguay

Monday, November 21, 2011

Learning and Growing

Mba´tekopio che familia kuera!!!!
Things are goin well here in tres bocas. We had an awesome zone conference this last week. It was all about focusing on the attributes of Christ in ourselves and changing ourselves to help out others. We also focused on teaching the people and not lessons. The gospel touches different people in different ways and it is our calling to be able to listen to the spirit and adjust to what God wants this person to hear in that moment. So you know how on your mission some times you have to do something a bit different to invite or have someone talk to you so we were teaching a friend of ours who is Ricardo; he was outside of his friends house who we also know, who also is named Ricardo. The ricardo inside would pop out his head and make fun of the ricardo with us for talking to us and just being distracting. so having seen them playing pool in the room outside i said to the one inside ¨hey if i beat you in pool you gotta listen to us for 20min¨ he agreed. The best and fastest pool game i have every played and it was an amazing lesson and opened them all up to listen to us more and take our message more seriously.
This week has also been full of bdays (dario), service, moving rocks painting roofs, cutting trees all of the great ol stuff. Being able to serve a mission is truely the biggest blessing that i have ever received, i have grown so much and am able to grow just a ton. I am a completely different and better person because i am here in che retá pora (missing a squiggle line on the r) i love paraguay i love my mission i love this gospel even more. I met an RM who was an amazing missionary he told us of what he has learned and everything else you can just tell. the sad thing is that he has been inactive for the last year. this gospel will always be apart of my life and nothing can take me away from the gospel of Jesus Christ because that is the source of our true happiness. Whatever we are doing if we focus more on Christ it will get better. Put what we want to the side and do what God wants the we will learn so much.
I gotta go. the storm put out all of the lights so we are doing internet late today and gotta get off by 6 to go and work. i love you all and pray for you daily
Elder Wilson

1. Darios Bday great kid gonna be a great missionary
2. Me and Elder McGee
3. Road River (video next week) this is what happens when it rains.

Monday, November 14, 2011

service service service

Hey one and all!!!

So this week was a wonderful week of service. We did service thurs, fri, and sat. The first project was going over to a house to clean up all of the old branches and leaves that were stacked up in the back so that we could have a FHE at the house. To get rid of leaves and branches and such in Paraguay the most common way is burning. So with a bit of medical alcohol and flames in a barrel we cleaned up a good amount. During that time  we captured a black scorpion; that was really cool because they are supposed to be really rare here and could hurt very very badly. (don't worry no one was harmed) The second one we started doing one of my personal favorites. Taking a machete and climbing a tree to cut off branches. If you don't want it to look super pretty and just want to cut it off i would personally use a machete. if sharp enough it can cut a big branch really quick. Plus doing that service project is really fun for me cuz i get to remember the good ol days when me and the guys would go climb trees at the church. Then Sat we cleaned out  grass that was growing out onto the street which was fun and then of course trimmed more trees. Oh and i learned a new vocab word ¨Podar¨ which means trimming. oh ya learn something new everyday.

oh and just a random fun fact this week we started running in the morning. my gosh.... running for 30 min and walking for 9 hours are completely different. 

So the picture that i sent was of the Paraguay Tortilla. It is actually really good. It is what i think is the closest that you can get to a scone. you mix up everything the flour, eggs, water, and salt and then you fry it. normally my favorite is when they put in queso paraguayo and some green onions ohhh yum yum. another fun food that they eat here that before i wasn't a huge fan of but now that i am, is called Sopa Paraguaya which is Paraguayan Soup. guess what????? ITS A SOLID!!!! its made out of corn flour and you put cheese and hard boiled eggs inside of it and then you bake it. It is really good. Then another traditional Paraguay food that we ate this last week was a thing that i forgot what it is called but you take a hard boiled egg (Paraguay loves hard boiled eggs) and you wrap cheese and ground beef around it and then ya cook it and make a rice dish next to it. very yummy.

as a missionary you find yourself pondering alot. and recently I've been pondering a good amount. the first main thing that i have been pondering is the importance of following the council of the prophets. the prophets many times give us council to help us evade temptations in this life that can lead us down a wrong path. i have been fortunate enough to have wonderful parents who strongly follow and support the prophets and teach us to follow them as well. the world is completely different today than it was during the time of Christ or even during the time of WW2, and it continues changing. Sometimes we may see something as harmless and in reality isnt something that is going to put us into horrible situations but the prophets have warned us against is because it can make it  easier to get into temptation such as, good media (music, movies, tv, internet), modesty, dating when you turn 16, getting an education, ect. yes many of these things may not be horrible but they do make you more susceptible to temptation. as i have personally followed more and more to prophetic council i find myself being more susceptible to the spirit and just happier and safer. Follow the prophet he knows the way. 

Currently i am reading 3 different books at the moment. (i know strange) the Book of Mormon, the New Testament, and Jesus the Christ. They are all wonderful and just help me grow in so many ways. personally i am loving ready Jesus the Christ by Talmage it is just wow. i thought i would never say this but i am grateful that i took AP Lit my senior year. Talmage at times reads a bit differently with tough english but thanks to AP Lit i understand it!!!! Jesus the Christ though has helped me just get such a better insight into the life our the Savior and really who he was and what he has done. It is helping me grow my faith and my love for my Savior and Redeemer. Right now I'm just 1/6 in around pg 125 and i have love every part of it and i can't wait to read more.

This church is so true i dont know who or where i would be without it. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY AND I LOVE PARAGUAY!!!!! these have been the best 8 months of my life and i cant wait to keep on living the next 16!!!!!! I love you all very much and pray for you daily. Stay true to the faith, love life, and follow the gospel, the blessing and joy from following everything to the dot is amazing!!!!


Elder Wilson

ps got the bday package thank you for the socks wearing a pair right now and the tie is saaaweeet!!! and question was the bag of mints just taken out of the armrest in the Saab cuz i know that is where mom puts them and there were 4 or 5 wrapers that were in there. oh i know my family so well. 


1. This is why mom and dad say ¨dont lean back on your chair¨ 
2. Tortilla (Paraguay Version) Salt, Flour, Eggs, Water, add cheese onions and other stuff to taste
3. It was really hot

Monday, November 7, 2011

Badabing Badaboom

Hey All!!!!!

Well another week has just flown by here in Paraguay (rhymes). Things are going splendid here in 3 bocas which is a bunch of fun. we are teaching  people and finding  new people to teach. we are going to an area that elders haven't really focused on in a long time. there we found a bunch of new great people who are just amazing and ready to receive the gospel. We have a good hand full of people who are getting ready for baptism.  The biggest change is Sabastian i think i may have talked about him last week, but if not here he is. He is a father of a family of recent converts. They got baptized around 7 months ago the familia martinez. he has been very unsure and not wanting to rush into things but we went there with the elders quorum president and he now has a baptismal date for december (going on a work trip) he is wonderful and the family is wonderful full of love and joy. the sister has the same thing that gma utah has so she can only use one half of her body but she goes to church every sunday it is awesome!!!!!!!

fast and testimony meeting was just awesome. we had a bunch of recent converts who have become a bit less active back at church and they brought their friends which is awesome. the best part though is that we had very little to do with it. IT WAS ALL MEMBERS!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAA!!!!! members are so uber caduber important. with out them missionary work would be 90% less effective. i have also come to love and really appreciate fast and testimony sundays. i get to focus on a thing that's going on -  and pray and fast about it and also have the great blessing to share my testimony with others. when we came home the landlady, who we call mama, and her sister tia were talking about fasting and we had the grand opportunity to talk about the importance of fasting and how its us putting in that little extra effort of faith for a specific thing. i have come to just love the power of fasting and be super grateful for it. many times we fast as a companionship for special situations: investigators, members, relationships, and a whole bunch of wonderful things. a thing that i remember from a district meeting a while back was when our DL talked to us about sacrifice on our mission. for a fast (24hrs) we give up food and drink, for our missions (24 months) we give up ourselves and the world. we put every back behind us. it doesn't matter if it is music, videos, habits, speech, time, and many other things we are giving it up for the best reason known to man; to dedicate ourselves and our all to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to put him first in front of everything. WHAT A BLESSING!!!!! my gosh i love the mission it is SSOOOOOO AMAZING!!!!!! full of growth and experiences!!!!

love you all and hope and pray for the best

Elder Wilson

1. So Darky (landladies dog) was playing and ripped a hole in my shirt i decided to sow it and did a really bad job. dont worry i sowed my pants really well when i fixed a hole.
2. View on our roof on a stormy day really pretty
3. Let me introduce you to Elder Austin McGee
4. Now behold DARKY!!!!!!!
5. Isnt he just a cutie (big dogs make people feel safe and happy we should get one in naperville!!!!)

Monday, October 31, 2011



Hey fam! Well first of all happy halloween (día de las brujas) to you all!!! Here in Paraguay Halloween isn’t super popular. Ya people know about it and walking down the streets at the big stores they have halloween material stuff but  all and all not really. Most people here think its satanic and soooo that kinda eliminates a big bunch of it. We aren’t really doing anything  for halloween but its all good.

This last week was a good week I turned 20, so yay me. Got to get a special ñoki lunch which was nice (also traditional to eat ñoki on the 29th) and later on went to the Elders quorum presidents house and ate some yummy cake cake cake cake. Got a nice call from Hna Callan saying happy bday which was nice and my companion let me choose one of his ties so I got a nice new one. Good bday though glad to celebrate it here in good ol Paraguay!!!!

So a little bit more about the area. The limits are really kinda funky but its nice. We are in the most dangerous zone of Paraguay the worst neighborhood we walk through almost everyday. Normally not at night but from history there hasn’t been a  ton of problems. Its a very busy area on the main freeway so there’s alot of traffic in and out. Walking is a bit more fun, all empedrado so the shoes are going strong. No dirt roads which is a bit sad but oh well. It’s also very hilly so we walk up and down and up and down nice work out for the legs, bomb! A big one here also that I find to be kind of unique is Rastafarianism. Religion off of Bob Marley the sum for the people around here is smoke weed and read the bible so there are a good handful of hippies and stuff like that. They are really nice though they always enjoy offering to the missionaries but we decline. We are starting to go into summer, which is nice. Got super humid and then had a couple of storms and it was super cold this morning (69 f) I know I’m a pansy but I’m starting to say things like ¨wow its only around 94 that’s nice¨.  I know you would all say WHAT??? Elder Parker Wilson is enjoying and accustom to heat? crazy crazy stuff but things happen.

The best part of this week though was yesterday. There is a guy named Sebastian;  the rest of his family were baptized members  about 8 months ago but he never really wanted to ever get baptized. He normally goes to church when he’s not working. Has read the BoM but was not so sure about it and just didn’t really want to get baptized. Yesterday we went with a member to go visit them and we didn’t talk for a good 40 min because the member was talking. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! He told him his conversion story and it was the exact same thing and the blessings that he has received from being a member of the church and being able to have a family for the eternity. Sebastian was touched and the spirit was so strong. Just wow. He said that he’s going on a business trip for a couple of weeks but he is sí o sí getting baptized in Dec! When he commits to something he does it and this was just an amazing miracle!!!!

I love this gospel and it is so true. This is the Lord's work and I am so honored to be apart of it and to represent my family, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and most important our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I am so grateful for you all and send my hopes, love and prayers all to you!!!

Elder Wilson

3. Some cool graffiti in our area. The one on the far right is for Rastafarianism that is really popular in my area
2. LOCO PARA LA ¨O¨ my team here in Paraguay

Monday, October 24, 2011

3 Bocas

Hey family!!!
so in a new area,  new companion new new new!!! my area right now is Tres Bocas. it is 15 min north of my old area and in the same stake as my first area. When we take the bus 15-3 we pass through all of my areas!!!!! so im getting to know asuncion really well which is nice. the area is a lot more churchi and nicer. i haven't walked on a dirt road yet,  everything is empedrado and asphalt which makes it a tad bit hotter. the members are great, in a branch of around 55 so we are gonna become a ward in the next little bit which is awesome!!!! its a bit of a hilly area which means more leg exercise but you get used to that, which is nice.
My new companion is Elder McGee. he is a midwest boy from missouri. been out on the mission for about a year and a half now. he has been companions with my trainer which is really cool. its my first time with a true anglo guy which has its positives and its negatives. just means that we gotta talk spanish a whole lot more so that i can keep it up. i got a great compliment though from a member she said ¨i dont understand you because you are talking to fast.¨ just so you know everyone else understood me AWWWW YEAHHHH thank you gift of tongues (sc) and spanish immersion!!!!!
what i really do like about changes is that you get to start new. you can change as a person and better yourself. change habits that weren't as awesome -  to habits that are great. so greatful for this wonderful opportunity that i have to better myself and grow into the man that god wants me to become. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh and another awesome thing is where we live our apartment is actually really nice has a balcony and all; but the best part is what is downstairs......... A HUGE DOG!!!!!!!! almost the size of chief. his name is darky he is a rot wailer (sc) my english has gotten so bad. i play with him,  last time he bit onto my arm (playing style) and we played tug of war  - a great nice dog reminds me of chief alot. hint hint at parental authorities.
another great thing is that we have a big bunch of recent converts which is awesome!!! through them we are going to be able to find new people to teach and spread the gospel through all of tres bocas which is awesome. this truly is a work and a glory to help the Lord bring his people to him through the waters of baptism how grateful i am to have his name over my heart everyday.
i love you all dearly and pray for you everyday. the church is true i KNOW IT.  next weeks letter will be a bit more lengthy with photos.
Elder Wilson
ps. sometimes they lose letters in the mail when we send it through the office. i have responded to every letter so if people havnt gotten them send a telling me.

1. Me in my old area about 3 months ago we were going to help build a house
2. Just is a funny picture thought you would all enjoy what i would look like with big glasses

ps  - Elder Parker's birthday is october 28 - plenty of time to send a card or letter - he will be 20

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Sorry faithful followers to be posting a day late
Monday just got away from me

Hello family of mine!!!!

What a great week!!! first Roberto Fernandez had his baptism this last saturday. He is a car mechanic,married with 3 kids, loves to play piqui volly in his spare time (video of this sport will come soon) and is full of faith!!! we met roberto my first or second week here in San Antonio. He has progressed so far and is amazing!!!! Someone who I’m going to remember for the rest of my life. He is super humble, and full of hope and faith. A great example for me.

This week we also just worked our tails off. Man it feels so good to work. You hear stories of missionaries who stay at home or don’t really go out and work and my goodness how boring! Sharing the gospel is so amazing!!! This last week we also had divisions. I was with Elder Clement from St. George. Honestly one of the best elders that i have seen. He is amazing and a great example. Learned alot from him this last week.

On tuesday i got a letter from mom that was a talk by Elder Dallin H Oaks that was ¨the challenge to become¨. I read it for my personal study and it is a wonderful talk. Makes you do a lot of looking in and reflecting. Helps you feel that you wanna change for the better. I can honestly say that i am a different person today than i was 8 months ago. Not in a bad way at all, but in the best way in the world. My testimony has grown like crazy and my love for this gospel. IT IS SO TRUE!!!

My testimony has grown so much when it comes to receiving answers from prayers. This last week i was looking for help and guidance from my Heavenly Father to help me become more and more motivated to push through during hard times. After fasting for 24 hours and constantly praying when i was at the most bottom point i received an answer. This answer helped me push everything else to the side and just go out and work with a huge smile and being happy. Being happy is fun.

Transfers are this week and it is very likely that i will be going somewhere else. Who knows where i will be heading. My two hopes are Ciudad del Este (whole different world) or just the straight up campo´ite (middle of no where) but ¨i´ll go where you want me to go dear Lord.¨ oh since that is a song that reminded me of something. this sunday me and Elder Rios (Argentina) did a special music number duet! we did “Nearer My God To Thee” but in spanish of course. did some little tweeks to make it more interesting. Just dynamics, tempo, and verse orders, sadly no cool key changes. It was really awesome. Spirit was strong and people cried so its all good, hahaha. The best thing of personal growth for me was when Elder Rios told me ¨hey, I’m a little bit nervous.¨ being honest and not prideful at all i said ¨really? I’m not.¨ you guys know how costly it was for me to sing at first infront of family. when i first sang a solo for people i let the judge, Mrs. Trump, and Puliot (high school choir guy) come in to listen. i wouldnt even sing at home and know im just like ya lets do it. thank you to Mr. Kruse, Mrs. Trump, Mr. Yarbarough, Sis. Hatch, Tyler Peniata, Jeff (from byu forgot last name in sweden for his mission though), and especially mom and dad for making me sing infront of people. what a huge blessing that has become!

The church is true. I know it with every fiber of my being (sc). Jesus is the Christ. Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son in the sacred grove. Obedience is the key to happiness. If we turn our lives over to our Father in Heaven he will help us in all moments of this i know.

my love and prayers go out to all of you


Elder Wilson

1. Baptism of Roberto Fernandez
2. I KNOW DONT CHA JUST WANNA EAT IT!!!!! sadly we had beef ribs and sausages instead but still yummy!!!!

Elder Parker's birthday is October 29th and he would love to hear from any and all of you

Monday, October 10, 2011

Working to reach your potential

Hey fam!!!!!!

Hope all is going splendidly swell with all of ya back in the US of A. Things here in Paraguay are going really well. WE HAD A BAPTISM A WEEK AGO!!!!!!! (didn't bring my cam) Gustavo Olmedo: he and his wife who is a member got married and it was amazing the spirit was so strong and he is such a wonderful loving guy. AND WE HAVE TWO BAPTISMS FOR THIS SAT!!!!!! They are Roberto Fernandez (AWESOME!!) and Axel Barrios (Great Guy!!!!!) We have been teaching them both for a while now. We have never gotten the feeling to stop teaching them and look here are the results!!!! How the Lord has blessed us!!! 

This last week we had interviews with our mission president, President Callan. He is amazing! It reminds me of the talk that Elder Waddel gave in GC. He said that the Lord knows all of our missions. I personally know with all of my heart that the Lord knows my mission and i am so grateful to have President Callan be my mission president. A great thing that he pushes for is obedience which i love!!! There are some missionaries who think all of these rules make it so that we can't have any fun so that we can't do this or that. Honestly i know that the mission rules are meant to keep us safe. When we stay obedient to these rules and follow them the Lord will bless us so much. Yes there are some of them that you look at and you don't really see the danger in them but you must follow them anyway. Its the same with commandments or advice from the Prophets and Apostles. It may look harmless and it doesn't do that much, but when one thing leads to another, that is when bad things happen. Its like pulling out weeds. You want to take all of the weed out not just the top of it; you need to take out its roots. Taking out the roots makes us safer.

The mission is so amazing. I am surrounded by so many wonderful people. There are so many amazing Elders here. Two big ones for me have been Elder Clement (DL) and Elder Swenson (ZL). They help me out so much and are so full of love. They help me push through and work harder every day. This last district meeting we talked about reaching ones potential. My personal thoughts is that our potential is everlasting and we can always improve, but the quote that i remember that i dont know who said it is: ¨The Lord doesnt expect immediate perfection, but he does expect immediate progress.¨ once we start progressing that is when we start getting closer and closer to our potential and our potential gets higher and higher.

I love you all so very much and pray for you daily. Thank you for all that you have done. Thank you for your prayers.


1. Gustavo Olmedo after his baptism (my shirt makes me look like ive added weight but actually im making a new hole in my belt this week!!!)
2. Down by the bay......... where the fishermen sell.......mandi´i and surubi
3. Two classic fishing boats
4. The fish that they sell (this is a sister of an investigator all of their family is part of the fishing biz, she gave us around 4 kilos of fish. Surubi and Parana!!!!!!) yum