Monday, November 28, 2011

thanksgiving day and transfers again

Hey family!!!!

hope all is going well back home. Its getting a bit hotter here in beautiful paraguay. hittin up into the high 90´s and low 100s which is pretty nice. i'm getting really used to it so its all good!!!!

This last week was thanksgiving week which down here isn't much at all. In another area there are a ton of Americans living there so the elders there had a thanksgiving dinner but i very much enjoyed my traditional paraguayan food. Down here they don't celebrate thanksgiving but its still really nice to ponder on it. Dad invited me to continue on the tradition of writing down 10 things that i'm grateful for each night and not repeating any of them. It was very fun to do and its a great family tradition. There are truly so many things that we can be grateful for. Mine ranged from fam, mission pres, Sopa Paraguaya, happiness, the gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ, and many other great and wonderful things. When we look all around us we can find so many things that we can be grateful for; its a wonderful experience. 

We had stake conference yesterday here. It was for Fernando de la Mora Sur. or in missionary terms Zona 4. wait have you guys seen Zona 4 before? i believe yes you have. if you go back around 7 months ago you will see that i was in this zone before! it is actually where i started my mission!!!! so i got to see all the people from my first ward which was awesome. they are all doing great and all very big. the topic was missionary work which i loved. there are a nice handful of missionaries heading out from here. from what i can remember one to argentina, chile, peru and dominican republic. and a bunch are putting their papers in which is a great thing. missionary work truly is awesome!!!! i love it so much! it pushes your boundaries which is pretty fun. since yall know that im a talker (thank you mom) i have gotten more comfortable with just talking with random people on the street. another big blessing that i have learned of on the mission is the importance of knowledge. it is so important to know things. it may be from gardening, world affairs, fish, soccer, to so many other things. you dont have to be an expert but you do know a bit of multiple things then you are able to connect with so many people which is just tons of fun.

as the title indicates the end of transfers is in two days which is insane!!!! the new year is coming and everything is happening so fast!!!! a sad thing is that my  trainer is going home and that one of my biggest examples on the mission is going home too. its sad but you are happy for them because i know that they are both wonderful elders and great examples plus it means that there are NEW MISSIONARIES COMING I- YAY!!!!!! 

i have also gained a personal testimony that God knows what he is doing. personally at times i feel like i have no idea what he is doing but i do know that he knows what he is doing. we get put into so many different situatios but you gotta do what you gotta do and push forward with faith.

love you all so very much and am super grateful for you all!!!! my prayers and best wishes go out to every single one of you. i know this church is the only true church on the earth. that the gospel with all of its wonders has been restored to the earth through a modern day prophet Joseph Smith and that today we have a living prophet Thomas S. Monson who guides us. Prayer is amazing. Pray. Faith works wonders. Keep the commandments and do what God asks you to do and he will trust you and give you blessings.

love you all

Elder Wilson

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