Monday, October 24, 2011

3 Bocas

Hey family!!!
so in a new area,  new companion new new new!!! my area right now is Tres Bocas. it is 15 min north of my old area and in the same stake as my first area. When we take the bus 15-3 we pass through all of my areas!!!!! so im getting to know asuncion really well which is nice. the area is a lot more churchi and nicer. i haven't walked on a dirt road yet,  everything is empedrado and asphalt which makes it a tad bit hotter. the members are great, in a branch of around 55 so we are gonna become a ward in the next little bit which is awesome!!!! its a bit of a hilly area which means more leg exercise but you get used to that, which is nice.
My new companion is Elder McGee. he is a midwest boy from missouri. been out on the mission for about a year and a half now. he has been companions with my trainer which is really cool. its my first time with a true anglo guy which has its positives and its negatives. just means that we gotta talk spanish a whole lot more so that i can keep it up. i got a great compliment though from a member she said ¨i dont understand you because you are talking to fast.¨ just so you know everyone else understood me AWWWW YEAHHHH thank you gift of tongues (sc) and spanish immersion!!!!!
what i really do like about changes is that you get to start new. you can change as a person and better yourself. change habits that weren't as awesome -  to habits that are great. so greatful for this wonderful opportunity that i have to better myself and grow into the man that god wants me to become. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh and another awesome thing is where we live our apartment is actually really nice has a balcony and all; but the best part is what is downstairs......... A HUGE DOG!!!!!!!! almost the size of chief. his name is darky he is a rot wailer (sc) my english has gotten so bad. i play with him,  last time he bit onto my arm (playing style) and we played tug of war  - a great nice dog reminds me of chief alot. hint hint at parental authorities.
another great thing is that we have a big bunch of recent converts which is awesome!!! through them we are going to be able to find new people to teach and spread the gospel through all of tres bocas which is awesome. this truly is a work and a glory to help the Lord bring his people to him through the waters of baptism how grateful i am to have his name over my heart everyday.
i love you all dearly and pray for you everyday. the church is true i KNOW IT.  next weeks letter will be a bit more lengthy with photos.
Elder Wilson
ps. sometimes they lose letters in the mail when we send it through the office. i have responded to every letter so if people havnt gotten them send a telling me.

1. Me in my old area about 3 months ago we were going to help build a house
2. Just is a funny picture thought you would all enjoy what i would look like with big glasses

ps  - Elder Parker's birthday is october 28 - plenty of time to send a card or letter - he will be 20

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