Monday, November 14, 2011

service service service

Hey one and all!!!

So this week was a wonderful week of service. We did service thurs, fri, and sat. The first project was going over to a house to clean up all of the old branches and leaves that were stacked up in the back so that we could have a FHE at the house. To get rid of leaves and branches and such in Paraguay the most common way is burning. So with a bit of medical alcohol and flames in a barrel we cleaned up a good amount. During that time  we captured a black scorpion; that was really cool because they are supposed to be really rare here and could hurt very very badly. (don't worry no one was harmed) The second one we started doing one of my personal favorites. Taking a machete and climbing a tree to cut off branches. If you don't want it to look super pretty and just want to cut it off i would personally use a machete. if sharp enough it can cut a big branch really quick. Plus doing that service project is really fun for me cuz i get to remember the good ol days when me and the guys would go climb trees at the church. Then Sat we cleaned out  grass that was growing out onto the street which was fun and then of course trimmed more trees. Oh and i learned a new vocab word ¨Podar¨ which means trimming. oh ya learn something new everyday.

oh and just a random fun fact this week we started running in the morning. my gosh.... running for 30 min and walking for 9 hours are completely different. 

So the picture that i sent was of the Paraguay Tortilla. It is actually really good. It is what i think is the closest that you can get to a scone. you mix up everything the flour, eggs, water, and salt and then you fry it. normally my favorite is when they put in queso paraguayo and some green onions ohhh yum yum. another fun food that they eat here that before i wasn't a huge fan of but now that i am, is called Sopa Paraguaya which is Paraguayan Soup. guess what????? ITS A SOLID!!!! its made out of corn flour and you put cheese and hard boiled eggs inside of it and then you bake it. It is really good. Then another traditional Paraguay food that we ate this last week was a thing that i forgot what it is called but you take a hard boiled egg (Paraguay loves hard boiled eggs) and you wrap cheese and ground beef around it and then ya cook it and make a rice dish next to it. very yummy.

as a missionary you find yourself pondering alot. and recently I've been pondering a good amount. the first main thing that i have been pondering is the importance of following the council of the prophets. the prophets many times give us council to help us evade temptations in this life that can lead us down a wrong path. i have been fortunate enough to have wonderful parents who strongly follow and support the prophets and teach us to follow them as well. the world is completely different today than it was during the time of Christ or even during the time of WW2, and it continues changing. Sometimes we may see something as harmless and in reality isnt something that is going to put us into horrible situations but the prophets have warned us against is because it can make it  easier to get into temptation such as, good media (music, movies, tv, internet), modesty, dating when you turn 16, getting an education, ect. yes many of these things may not be horrible but they do make you more susceptible to temptation. as i have personally followed more and more to prophetic council i find myself being more susceptible to the spirit and just happier and safer. Follow the prophet he knows the way. 

Currently i am reading 3 different books at the moment. (i know strange) the Book of Mormon, the New Testament, and Jesus the Christ. They are all wonderful and just help me grow in so many ways. personally i am loving ready Jesus the Christ by Talmage it is just wow. i thought i would never say this but i am grateful that i took AP Lit my senior year. Talmage at times reads a bit differently with tough english but thanks to AP Lit i understand it!!!! Jesus the Christ though has helped me just get such a better insight into the life our the Savior and really who he was and what he has done. It is helping me grow my faith and my love for my Savior and Redeemer. Right now I'm just 1/6 in around pg 125 and i have love every part of it and i can't wait to read more.

This church is so true i dont know who or where i would be without it. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY AND I LOVE PARAGUAY!!!!! these have been the best 8 months of my life and i cant wait to keep on living the next 16!!!!!! I love you all very much and pray for you daily. Stay true to the faith, love life, and follow the gospel, the blessing and joy from following everything to the dot is amazing!!!!


Elder Wilson

ps got the bday package thank you for the socks wearing a pair right now and the tie is saaaweeet!!! and question was the bag of mints just taken out of the armrest in the Saab cuz i know that is where mom puts them and there were 4 or 5 wrapers that were in there. oh i know my family so well. 


1. This is why mom and dad say ¨dont lean back on your chair¨ 
2. Tortilla (Paraguay Version) Salt, Flour, Eggs, Water, add cheese onions and other stuff to taste
3. It was really hot

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