Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Where Did The Winter Go???


so first to address the title of this email. ever since i got here to wonderful Paraguay the people have been promising me a winter. (summer time in states is winter time in paraguay) it was supposed to start this month. how joyful i was when for two days it was in the 60s for the day and dropped down to 40s at night! it was so amazing. for the first time in months i was not sweating all day, but as all good things they must come to an end. it ended in TWO DAYS! after that it was back up to high 80s and low 90s during the day. so elder sweat is back on the streets. but its ok they say that the winter should be coming in the next month or so and it lasts for 2 or 3 months. all i can do is wait and hope.

fun thing we did for a family home evening last week. (a family time where we teach a lesson and eat some food) we cooked a pizza!!!! it was soooooo good. the mom of our recent convert was showing me how to do it and it was alot of fun. one of the best parts was that i was able to live out a dream of mine. acting like i had my own cooking show. lets just say that bobby flay better watch out cuz i did pretty well and that was alot of fun.

a bonus to all of this heat and walking is that elder wilson is now skinnier. yes people of the united states of america elder wilson has been losing weight. last cinch thing on the belt ohhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaaa. and it has only been 2 or so months. wowzers. a fun thing though is walking 10 or so miles a day all the missionaries here have thunder thighs its quite fun. i would love to show you all pictures but i forgot my camera at home so I’ll send some next week.

so here is the official declaration of mailing addresses


Elder Parker Wilson
Casilla de Correo 818
Paraguay, Asuncion 1209


Elder Parker Wilson
2881 Del Maestro c/ Caballero
Barrio Herrera
Asuncion, Paraguay

The one for just letters i think letters get to me faster so send letters to the just letters. Letters can go to either one but DEARELDER.com IS THE BEST WAY AND FASTEST!!!!  if you don’t know how to use dearelder.com ask my family or send something to me on facebook my dad will tell you how. all packages should go to the first address.

Yesterday was a great day. While mothers day here is next sunday we got to call our families and i got to chat with the fam for a good 40min or so. so grateful for my family they are truly one of the biggest blessings in my life. i love them dearly.

i have come to really love the people here. they are so welcoming and so open and so loving. yesterday was the first time that someone straight up didnt want to talk to us and went right into their house. though the mission is a tough thing i love preaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to the people. while we have our fun every now and then i love all of the wonderful spiritual experiences that we have. the warmth that is brought into the room  when we are teaching a lesson and bearing our testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel.

i am so happy and grateful that i have grown up in the gospel. it has brought, is bringing and will continue to bring so many blessing into my life. while here some things are hard like one of our best investigators keeps on pushing back and back his baptism which is sad. i know that he has a testimony and i know that he wants to be baptized. our job now is to help him push through and remember all of the wonderful feelings of the spirit that he has felt before.

our focus this week is to find new people to teach. our teaching pool has gotten a little smaller. while we have alot of inactive people we need to visit the most important thing is finding people to share the gospel who are ready to receive it.

i know this church is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and restored the true church of Jesus Christ back on the earth. Christ is the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. through him everything is possible. if we have faith in him not only will he reveal his secrets to us so we can better know him and the gospel but he will help us return to live with our heavenly father again. the Atonement is REAL. we can be forgiven of our sins, we can erase the feelings of guilt that we get when we sin, we can find the pure love of Christ in our daily lives. Christ is there. He is knocking at our doors. the only way that he can come in is if we let him in, and when we do that the doors of heaven will open and blessing will be pouring out to us. Christ suffered for us so we can be forgiven of our sins and repent. he has done his part. now the ball is in our court. the key now is to do ours.

i love and miss you all dearly
continue to have faith and be strong the Lord is there and he will guide you

my best wishes.

Elder Parker Wilson

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