Tuesday, March 15, 2011

MTC Life

Hey so i only have 20 mins to answer the email so this one is going to be a bit shorter than last weeks. 
So this week has been wonderful since my last email we have done two TRC's which is where people come in and be investigators for us so we can practice teaching. the first time was kinda scary but me and elder palacios are getting in sync and we are rollin!! Unfortunately i am not able to answer everyones emails by emails so that means that i will write you guys letters in response. 
so i got my travel plans!!!!! so exciting i cant wait its in less than i week now i head out monday afternoon and fly from SLC to texas, then from there to Buenos Aires (long flight huh? finally get to sleep for longer than 8 hours!!!!) and then from there i go to Asuncion. regarding mail if you are not able to get it here before this sat then you can send it to my mission address which is:
Elder Parker Maurice Wilson
Paraguay Asuncion Mission
Casilla de Correo 818
Asuncion, Paraguay
if you do send it and it gets here after i leave then the mtc will send it down to my mission. how nice of them!
so this past week has been filled of awesome spiritual experiences. you guys don't get to see how perfect your timing is when it comes to your letters and dear elders. dad your letter with all of the personal revelation stuff on it i was teaching that the next day and i didn't know what to do much with that part and you helped me out. when i was having a tough time with one of the elders in my district mom your thing on reading blairs advice on loving your companion was perfect to make me calm. so many of your letters have just helped me out in so many different ways and i know its the lord giving you a little hint to say a specific thing. the best spiritual experience was how after one TRC i was just feeling that i couldn't do that much. couldn't connect with the scriptures to the lesson, didn't feel like i was saying what the lord wanted me to say. i just wasn't feeling to hot. we were teaching "pablo" our teachers  other persona who we teach and i asked the lord in a short prayer if he could help me find something to teach and something meaningful that could boost me up. the second pablo asked a question and i looked down and found the answer in my scriptures. i was able to tell him the answer and bear my testimony. how awesome is that!!!!!!!!!
im sorry that im not able to answer everyones questions i feel kinda bad that i cant but honestly what else needs to be known other than i love being here, this is where im supposed to be, and i know that the lord will help me through everything while im here every trial and issue that comes up hes got my back. i see that as just being the main thing to have in life is knowing that the lord is on our side and that we can go to him for anything. i am constantly finding myself finding new things that i didnt know before. praying longer and harder than ever before (oh and in spanish awwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh) as long as i am willing to do whatever the lord wants me to do i will always come out being happy and giddy.
what i love the most about the mtc is that i am still able to be myself. i love being serious and being spiritual in class but when we eat lunch are walking around or are just more casual in class i am still able to be me. other than bringing the people of paraguay to christ which is my main objective, i feel that im supposed to bring them elder parker wilson. bring them who i truly am.
again i want to thank you all for your wonderful letters keep them coming they lift up my day and my spirit when i read them. i care for and love you all dearly. i know that this gospel is true. i know that through the atonement that we all can be saved and become like christ and our heavenly father. all we have to do is trust in him and he will help us find a way. things may be tough but that is how we grow and if we never grow how can we gain a better knowledge of why we are here. we watched the joseph smith movie this week and that reassured me that joseph smith is a prophet of god along with president monson being our prophet today. i cannot wait for general conference when we can hear the representatives of the lord. i know that i will be awake and paying attention to all of it. (there is a first for everything) i know that the gospel is true and i say these things in the name of jesus christ amen.
i love and miss you all
que dios te bendigan!
(oh and i eat cottage cheese every meal weird how the mission can change you huh?)
elder wilson

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