Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Holly Jolly Christmas and a Happy New Year

hey all!!!!

hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas full of amazing stuff!

we had a great Christmas here. got to go on divisions and work in our area where we saw so many miracles it was great. a wonderful christmas bringing everybody the best gift of all, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. forgot to tell you guys a fun thing about two weeks ago. what happened was - we were on a bus going to switch back from divisions, it was about an 1hr bus ride and about 30 min in, all traffic stops. we end up sitting there for a while and then later on, go out of the bus to see whats up. what happened, was that all of the farmers got angry because the big companies were not buying their tomatoes but were buying the tomatoes from Brazila and Argentina. so in response they made a car and human blockade on the roadway for about 3 hours; stopping all thoroughfare traffic throughout the country. it was pretty interesting. we had the chance to talk to some people and decided to go study in the shade and sing christmas songs. later on the riot police came and pushed them out. we were about 1 mile away so we didn't see anything but it was very interesting.

this last week Juan was baptized!!!! he is the son of a family that we are teaching. you know that family that i was talking to you all about they were going to get married and baptized and they want to but she needs to get a divorce. thankfully for all of the different factors it will only take 6 months which is a miracle in itself. normally they take like 6-7 years and cost TONS of money. they will get it very cheaply and very quickly. it is so amazing the change that you see in the family. they are so much more united and happier. the brother (hector) told us that he wanted us to show him how to find book, chapter, and verse in the Book of Mormon so he can participate more in class. they are teaching the gospel to their kids. it is truly just incredible. the change that the gospel brings is amazing!

i'm doing really well. been focusing on my vision, goals, and plans for 2013. can't believe it is already here. wowza! really just wanting to be more christlike and applying the atonement more and more in my life. i also really want to KNOW my Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. so i've been studying a lot more about them lately. here in Paraguay everyone prays for good health and we have learned why. my companion has been a little bit sick ever since the divisions but he is a capo (beast) and keeps on pushing forward. i know that God put us together as a companionship for a reason. i'm learning so much and we are growing together.

thanks for all that you do and i love you all so much!!!!! glad that i was able to see you bright happy faces last week. keep em smiley and happy always!!!!!

the gospel is true. joseph smith was a prophet of God. Christ is the head of His church and works through His modern day prophet Thomas S. Monson. everyone needs to read the Book of Mormon because it is the only way one will know that this is the truth. they must pray and God being a God who is very personal and real will respond to us according to our desire and faith.

have a great week!!!!


elder wilson

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