Monday, October 22, 2012

Much Thought

Hey family!!!!

elder pastul says hi. he's great. i love the guy, very funny and a hard working elder. has a fun laugh and is teaching me a lot. very much the same person which is good because it helps me grow personally. well there is a nice little snippet of elder pastul. sorry that my details aren't so amazing. 

well this last week has been a busy week full of divisions, evaluations, decision making, and think; think; thinkin. had the opportunity to host two different missionaries in our area this week. Elder Holgate (in training) and Elder Dominguez (got here with me). two different days both filled with miracles and wonderful things. its very interesting the range of missionaries on the mission. both of these elders are incredible, but both as everyone of us have, had the things that they are personally working on. one thing that i realized is how huge of a blessing it was to be at RSI (robbinsdale spanish immersion). i have never gone through the complete uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "i have no idea what this person is saying" phase. i am very grateful for that because it helped me focus on working myself out in my personal conversion, and helping people come to know Christ's gospel. its super fun too because with the time that most of the missionaries that i am with have, we can talk about many experiences that we have had on the mission. its so crazy and so interesting how the outside world kind of just washes away. not saying that i have forgotten you guys no no no, but more of like what my life is now. its different. i have different priorities, different goals, and i am just different. much of that comes through having much thought. example is working with all different types of people. 

right now we are teaching a man who has a really big problem with alcohol and drugs. we need to apply all that we are teaching to HIS need and to help him with HIS problems. taking what we know and letting the spirit guide us so that we can help him see the love that our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ have for him and how they are both calling for him to repent and be baptized to change his life around. then we go to the miracle woman from last week who just felt a pull to go to church. she comes from a church that i don't know if it exists in the states its called pentecostal. (they have strong faith in Christ and know the bible, dress very conservative, have a way of taking, and all wonderful people). we have to follow the spirit to shape how we teach her. we meet with her in the church and have at least one member with us because we cannot be alone with her. the last lesson we had a very spiritual experience and we both felt that she is prepared enough to be baptized on saturday. she said yes. it was so amazing how it all was just shaping. me and my companion worked in union and by following the spirit and him being the teacher the sister has gained a strong testimony of Joseph Smith being a prophet of God, the Book of Mormon and that this is Christ true and living church on the earth today.

also with the separate responsibilities that we have we work with other missionaries. some are having troubles in their companionship which leads us to much prayer, conversation, and thought. we receive the revelation to help them and then we talk to their DL get it all set up and let the spirit work.

all in all everything takes much thought ,much thought, much thought. controlling ones mind is key and that is something that has taken over a year to do and am still working on but God has helped me so much and by praying constantly, and especially reading the scriptures i can control my mind and leave them open for much though much though good and uplifting thought. which is a huge blessing that is helping me see how God is shaping me for the things that are happening right now and for the things of my future.

the church is true. God calls living prophets and apostles today. i love you all and pray for you dearly have a most wonderful week an jajotopata (guarani for see you soon but in this case it will be talk to ya soon)


elder wilson

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