Monday, April 9, 2012

Beautiful Sajonia

Hey everyone!!!!

Well as you can see by the title I'm still here in Sajonia with Elder Horton. We didn't get any changes so we are gonna keep on working hard serving the Lord. Sajonia will be the place where Ive stayed the longest in my mission!!!! The rest of the district and the ZL of our zone had changes. In our district new are Elder Rodeback (MN! Champlin Park) Elder Sevy (not sure where he is from) and Elder Izurieta (Argentina). All here and ready to work which is awesome!!!!

This last week was Easter week which here is known as Semana Santa which means Holy week. It is very common that people don't work spend a lot of time at home with their families. Which means that most of the people go out into the "interior" to go visit extended relatives so most people from AsunciĆ³n go out to other areas. Still though the Lord blessed us with miracles.

Sulmi is going to be getting baptized on weds!!! she is so prepared its amazing how the Lord changes lives. Her baptismal date was for saturday and we switched it to weds for different reasons. i asked her "sulmi, do you believe that this church is the only true church of God on earth?" her answer was perfect. "elder, isn't that the reason I'm going to be baptized?" the perfect answering a question with a question. this sunday too her brother-in-law and sister went to visit family so she came all by herself to church which was awesome! I believe i have already talked to you all about Quintin. He is the man that we followed his kid to find his house and we have been teaching him the last couple of weeks. He went to conference last week and this was his first week going to church. because of the hour change he came to church an hour early and he loved it all. his kids went to primary and they loved it. it was so incredible!!! while we were teaching him this last week the thought came to my mind of how at times we don't recognize how some people just take the gospel and feel the Lord's presence in their lives. Quintin is someone who has been prepared to receive the true gospel of Jesus Christ and his progress has been incredible. the best thing is that he had 2 or 3 friends at church that we didn't even know he knew. he loved the experience and is so excited to keep on learning. he has a baptismal date for the 21st of this month.

As mentioned before this last week has been Easter Week. what a blessing it is to be apart of the Lords work during this time. To be able to share how he has conquered spiritual and physical death. He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for all of us that we may use his atoning sacrifice to be clean of our sins. In the last months I've been continually studying and trying to understand more and more of the atonement. really it is just so amazing. Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, laid down His life for us. I don't remember where the scripture is in the bible i know it is in Matthew that says "no man hath greater love than this, to lay down his life for his friends" i hope i quoted it right. I am so grateful that Christ laid down His life for me. That He loves me so much to suffer for my sins, my weaknesses, my trials, for everything, that i may grow and that i may better myself so that i can live with my Father in Heaven and Him again.

I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and all that He has done for me. I am so grateful to be able to carry His name and His true church on my heart to represent Him here in Sajonia. Through reading the The Bible and The Book of Mormon we can truly to come to know more of who He is, and what He has done for us.

Thank you for all that you do. love you all so much in my thoughts and prayers constantly.


Elder Wilson

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