Monday, June 25, 2012

People are ready EVERY WEEK

hey family

wow i cant even figure out where to start when i write you this letter.

there is an modest apartment complex in our area where a year ago or so a missionary baptized an elderly couple. through this couple we have found 3 families. two of which are preparing for baptism. one of these families is the Fam Bareiro. It is Luis, Norma and Sofia. we have been teaching them about everyday for the last week or so. i have never seen a family so prepared to receive the gospel. Thursday the parents told us that  sofia wanted to be baptized. we asked her why and these were her words exactly "(meditating pause).... it is because i feel that this is the true church of Jesus Christ". The spirit just filled the room so much. both of the parents looked at their daughter in awe. we then testified of how Christ always spoke of how the Children are so in tune with the spirit and how they will testify to their parents. This last Saturday Sofia was baptized and then confirmed a member of Christ true church. MIRACLE!!!!! Norma and Luis are going to be baptized si o si. the difficulty is that Luis has an open wound that he needs surgery on so physically he cannot be baptized for health reasons but miracles are going to happen i know!!!

Saturday day of the baptism. we had sofia and the assistants had the famila narvaes. we are all on the clock to make this the best service in the world. the judge was coming for the wedding and this was Pres. and Hna Callans last baptism before they finish their mission. So we made it all as perfect as possible. we go on splits and i go with elder clement to go pick up the family. we get to the house and the husband isn't there. he got nervous they fought and he left. i have never prayed more in my life so much for a miracle. we then go and start talking to people keeping the faith and hoping to find him. we get in a car of a member and go everywhere. i then got a feeling and felt like saying "hey we aren't going to find him. he's going to find us." in the last moment we got back to the house and get a phone call. "elders HE IS HERE" the joy and hallelujah that came into my soul at that moment was amazing!!! the service was incredible with 70 people in attendance a mix of investigators, members and leaders. it was amazing.

i love this gospel so much! it is so amazing. i know that the church has been restored. THE ATONEMENT IS REAL, GOD IS THERE WITH OPEN ARMS TO RECEIVE US IF WE GO TO HIM
i love you all and iknow that this is true. i LOVE THE MISSION. next week pres aggazani comes its going to ba amazing i love pres callan

elder wilson

Monday, June 18, 2012


Hey Family!!!!

So first so that you all know. you may be hearing about the fights going on here in paraguay between the police and the farmers. i am far, far away from that and i actually believe it is out of our mission. it is more towards the north and I'm still in Asuncion so things are all tranquilo here.

so i'll give you the biggest miracle. margarita (sister of recent convert) and tata (daughter of member) were ready to go for their baptism on saturday. we were not able to get the permision for jhonatan all week long. we gave the paperwork to his grandma so that she could get the signature. she tried 2 times with no success, friday night she goes over there and gets the permission. we honestly postponed his baptism for this week, but we get a text in the morning that said, "jhonatan is gonna get baptized. we got the signature." me and my companion went ballistic (wow haven't used that word in a while) what a huge miracle from the Lord. we have been seeing His hand in the work so much. right now we have two families getting ready to be baptized in the next two weeks. one of the families we shared with just this last friday. saturday they went to the baptism and loved it, and sunday they went to church and loved it even more!!!!! they are so amazing its a dad, mom, and their daughter. (luis, norma, and sofia) they are all amazing. luis has some health issues but the Lord will bless him i know he will!!! 

now to give you the full adventure story for the baptism. its a good one. saturday morning after getting the message at about 7am we head out to go drain the fount. to come to find that one of the main electricity things, which i don't have the vocabulary for, exploded and it didn't work. so we did what we could with the drainer turning on and off constantly. we went home to study. 10:30 we go back and call electricity people to come fix it. from 10;30 till 1;30 we are emptying it all out with just buckets that we brought from our house OHHHH YAAAAA love the mission. well my comp did most of the heavy work. i was trying to fix the machine. we get it out. go do one visit with jhonatan and then come back around 4 to fill the fount and clean it all up to find that the water is going slow. so we take a hose from outside and fill it up. at the end the most important thing happened. they got baptized!!!

i am so grateful for a father in heaven who loves me and who sent his only begotten son to save me. i am so grateful for the atonement it has a special place in my life and I'm really coming to understand it more and more. to leave old bad or ok habits behind and pick up what the lord wants me to do. i know that my savior and my father LIVE! they love us all and want us to receive this gospel and the blessings that it brings. one of the biggest things is to receive the Holy Ghost. when you read 3 nefi 19 it talks about how the holy ghost is what the people wanted most. and I'm so grateful for His guidance and comfort. 

dad is amazing and I'm grateful for him. fathers day has come and gone and his bday will too but i want you to know dad that i love you and pray for you and love your example. i gave a talk about you on sunday and how grateful and key you have been in my life and how you have helped me come to know my father in heaven.

i love you all and pray for you daily

Elder Wilson

1. The Baptism of Margarita, Tata (Fabiola), and Jhonatan
2. Me, Elder Schone, Jhonatan, Tata, Margarita

Monday, June 11, 2012

Doin How We Do

Hey fam!!!

well the winter is kickin in here in paraguay. we are whipping out the hoodies, coats, hats, gloves, and more blankets. oh and just so you all know it was only 50 degrees Fahrenheit (sc) how sad my blood is not as thick as it used to be. i'm paraguayan (hahaha that sounds nice.)

 two weeks ago we had the most amazing privilege to be able to go out and teach some lessons with pres. callan in our area. they were the most amazing spiritual experiences ever. we then last monday had a huge meeting with all of the ZL and DL in the mission. it was a lets step it up and augment our faith! it was an amazing meeting. our area saw so many blessings this last week. 10 of our investigators went to church! 10!!!!! with us and the other companionship we had 18 in total!!! what a huge miracle and a blessing. we all just applied the things that we needed to do that we got out of our consejo. faith is such a powerful thing. we honestly just need to do our part and the Lord will do the rest. we have so many people who are ready to be baptized in the next few weeks. what a huge blessing and a privilege it is to be in the work of the Lord. I honestly find myself having more faith and love for this work everyday. I find myself just digging deep into the scriptures and really coming to love the Book of Mormon. The gospel is just so amazing and i see the blessings of it reaching so many peoples live.

 we watched a wonderful movie today about the quorum of the twelve and the first presidency testifying of Jesus Christ. I personally give my testimony that i know with all of my heart that Jesus is the Christ. the very son of the living God. He came into this world and left it with no fault and no sin. He is perfect and through His perfect love He aspires us to become like Him. He is willing to guide us, carry us, and help us on the path. I am so grateful for Him and His sacred atonement. I leave this testimony in His holy name Jesus Christ, amen love you all and so thankful for all that you do praying for you!

 love elder wilson

1. This is how we study every morning this week (Elder Clement)
2. Baptism here in Ka´aguy Rory!!!! His name Luis a capo i´te!

Monday, June 4, 2012

next week

hey dont have time. 
was at meetings most of the day

love elder wilson