Monday, April 18, 2011

Giving it all

Oh, why hello hello everyone!!!

This last week has been a very slow one sadly. There has been a really bad bug being passed around and my companion got it. (don't worry I´m ok) There is a fever down here and sadly the prescription is not more cow bell hahaha joke. (if you didnt get it watch snl more cow bell) This fever is called Dengue and it can actually kill and there is no remedy or anything for it. It comes from the dang mosquitoes. So as missionaries we have a rule to always put on our repellent but at times it doesn't work. What is the biggest bummer is that it literally drains you. The symptoms are head ache, stomach ache, fever, your bones hurt, and a thing we call chivivi down here which is diarrhea. So the work has been a bit slow, but the Lord has still blessed us dearly with baptismal dates and great investigators!!

Most of our baptismal dates are with kids ranging in the ages of 8-15. Either their parents are in-actives or their grandparents are members. The biggest toughy is for the daughter of a recent convert named teresa. (next week if the computer works you may see a funny video of her son) Her oldest daughter who is 13 lives with her father during the week who is a hard core catholic and attends a catholic school (the ones that have nuns i dont know if there is a special name for that kind of school or not oh well). He doesnt want her to get baptised we have been teaching her on the weekends with her mom and she only needs one more attendance to get baptised wahoooooooooo!!!!! so we are pushing for the 30th. The others are a grandson of a convert of a year who the father will let him get baptised but the mother who lives in argentina doesnt really want him to and there are two kids of a women who has recently activated.

A great thing about this last sunday other than having the opportunity to speak about the scriptures (honestly how awesome are the scriptures all in favor say aye) was that we had a ton of inactives at church!!!!! i think i mentioned Hna Fatima before. A wonderful woman who has had a lot of trials who hasnt been to church in a while was there!!!!! I was sooooo happy!

We have some golden investigators! The first one is Maria and her family. She is a widow who lives with her uncle, mom, and two grandchildren. (Here in Paraguay most people live with their family for most of their lives they just build there own house infront of their parents) We are pushing to have a date for her and her fam but we need to get them to church. That has been our main focus getting our investigators to church. The other is Mr. Trebostoni who is not in the best of health with bad asthma and had a stroke or something of that sort a little while back. He loves reading the BoM and reads every day and wants to go to church but when its humid he can even leave his house. So we are waiting and praying for good weather every sunday.

Some quick ones

how we contact here is we clap houses normally when visits fall through we just clap the houses around them. from what I've seen there hasnt been a service thing set up and i want to figure out how we can change that and find something to do. when opportunities come up though we do them. Also we have a little dog that lives in the gates of our chapel because he has no home. very sad. doesnt do anything bad so we let him stay there. i named him Perry. (for you Phineas and Ferb fans our there that is for you!)

Most of all though i know this gospel is true and i come to see the blessings that it brings to peoples lives everyday. being a missionary is tough but it brings alot of wonderful blessings. i also love the scriptures and the knowledge that they bring to our lives. i am coming closer everyday to knowing that Jesus is the Christ and he suffered for us and he is our savior.

my love goes out to all of you

Elder Parker Wilson

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